
1.- Introduction

In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about family and how we get on with certain family members. We are also going to look at the zero condition. Let’s begin!

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A. You have two minutes to write as many members of the family you can.




1 minute... 30 seconds... 10 seconds...


B. You are going to listen to your teacher answer the following questions. Note down her answers.



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1)How many brothers and sisters have you got? .
2)What are they like? .
3)What do your parents do? .
4)Do you get on well with them? .
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2.- Speaking Activity

Now, answer the questions with your own answers.

3.- Listening

You are going to listen to a conversation between Susan and Jack. They’ve just finished work for the day.

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido




A. Before you listen, what do you think they will talk about? Imagine the conversation out loud.


B. Listen and note down how many questions are asked during the dialogue. Try and remember a few of the questions.


Six Questions

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C. Listen again and answer the following questions:

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Check your answers!


4.- Focus on Vocabulary

A. Listen again and fill in the gaps with the key phrases.

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B. Practice saying the dialogue paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

We are now going to look at ways to answer the following questions:

  1. How do you get on with your brother/mum/grandmother, etc?
  2. What does your brother/mum/grandmother do?


5.- How do you get on with him/her?

A. Match up the responses.

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6.- What does he/she do?

A. Can you fill in the gaps with the correct word?

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1)She´s teacher.
2)She´s of teacher.
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Check your answers!


E. Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps.

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1)He´s a He´s kind of cook
2)He´s a He´s kind of mechanic
3)She´s a She´s kind of cleaner
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7.- Focus on Grammar: Zero Conditional

A. In the dialogue, there is one example of the zero conditional. Can you find it?

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1)If she
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Check your answer!


Form: Let’s look at the form of the first conditional

If + Present + Present


Present + if = Present

B. Identify the different parts of zero conditional in the following sentences.

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1)If it snows heavily the trains stop working
2)The shops close later if it´s Thursday
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C. Put the following words into the correct order.

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1) arguments/ unhappy/ if/ have/ they/ people/ are
2) her/ if/ speak/ I/ call/ want/ to/ mum/ my/ to/ I
3) her?/ does/ get angry/ if/ call/ your/ sister/ you/ don´t
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Check your answers!

D. Translate the sentences above into Spanish.

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Look at the sentence above and decide when we use the zero conditional

E. We use the zero conditional:

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F. Answer the following questions with appropriate answers.

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1)What happens if you miss the train/bus to work/college?
2)What happens if you study English every day?
3)Do your parents get angry if you don´t speak to them every day?
4)Do your grandparents give you a birthday presents if you behave badly?
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8.- Speaking Activity

The situation is:

You are at a work dinner. You are sitting next to a new client. Find out about his family:

  • Parents, brothers and sisters
  • Where they live
  • How they get on
  • What they are like
  • What jobs they have

Write the questions you are going to ask.
Write your answers to the questions.
Practice saying the dialogue out loud.

Make sure you use some of the new expressions from today’s lesson!

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