Vocabulary: Arts
Visual Arts
- Design: Diseño
- Drawing: Dibujo
- Exhibition: Exposición
- Fine arts museum: Museo de bellas artes
- Gallery: Galería
- Masterwork: Obra maestra
- Painting: Pintura
- Picture: Cuadro
- Portrait: Retrato
- Sculpture: Escultura
- Still life: Bodegón
- Auction: Subasta
- To bid: Pujar
- To design: Diseñar
- To draw: Dibujar
- To paint: Pintar
- To sculpt: Esculpir
- To symbolize: Simbolizar
- To represent: Representar
- Actor/actress: Actor /actriz
- Comedy: Comedia
- Director: Director/directora
- Failure/flop: Fracaso
- Interpretation/performance: Interpretación
- Make-up: Maquillaje
- Opening night/first production: Estreno
- Role: El rol / el papel
- Season: Temporada
- Serial/series: Serie
- Spotlight: Foco
- Subtitles: Subtítulos
- Tragedy: Tragedia
- To criticise: Criticar
- To dub: Doblar
- To enjoy the cinema: Gozar del cine
- To fail/flop: Fracasar
- To make people laugh: Hacer reír
- To play a role: Desempeñar un papel
- To put on for the first time: Estrenar
- To shoot a film: Rodar una película
- To subtitle: Subtitular