Much / Many / Little / Few / A lot of

1. "much" / "many" / "a lot of" se traducen por "mucho".

Las reglas que se aplican son las siguientes, si bien cabe cierta flexibilidad:

a) En oraciones afirmativas: "a lot of"

b) En oraciones negativas e interrogativas:

b.1) Con sustantivos contables: "many" many books, many coins, many girls...

b.2) Con sustantivos incontables: "much" much time, much effort, much energy...


2. "little" / "few" se traducen por "poco".

a) Con sustantivos contables: "few" few books, few pencils, few tickets...

b) Con sustantivos "incontables": "little" little sugar, little rain, little water...


  • She is very friendly and has a lot of friends
  • I don't have many paintings in my flat
  • When you were unemployed, did you receivemuch help from your family?
  • This bookshop has few books about Spanish history
  • There is little hope that the hostage will be released
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