My daily routine

My daily Routine


In the previous course, we looked at the daily routine. Let’s see how much you remember!


1.- Mini test

Match the pictures with their meaning.

Wake up / Have a shower / Have breakfast / Go to school
Have dinner / Go to bed

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)


Have breakfast  Go to bed  Have dinner
1.  2.  3.
Have a shower  Wake up  Go to school
4.  5.  6.

My daily Routine


2.- Listen to Foxy talk about her daily routine


Everyday I wake up at half past seven, I have a shower and then I have my breakfast. School starts at half past eight. At one o’clock I have lunch. School finishes at three o’clock. I go home and I do my homework. On Fridays, I play computer games with my friends. I usually have dinner at eight o’clock and I go to bed at half past nine.


2.a. Put the following daily routine activities in order (1-9)


daily routine

daily routine


following questions


2.b. Answer the following questions about Foxy’s timetable.

Use complete sentences!

Importante: Para contestar a las siguientes preguntas, hay que decir ‘a las’ por ejemplo, Foxy se despierta a las siete y media. ‘A la/a las’ se traduce al ingles a ‘At’.

Por ejemplo, Foxy wakes up at half past seven.

Foxy’s timetable.

Your turn


2.c. Answer the following questions about you!

What time do you wake up? I wake up at ......
What time do you have lunch?
What time do you do your homework?
What time do you have dinner?
What time do you go to bed?

Una vez que hayas escrito las respuestas, es una buena idea practicar diciendo las respuestas en voz alta. Puedes pedir a tus padres o a tus hermanos que te hagan las preguntas y tú contestes con tus respuestas.

3.- The Time

3.a. We are going to continue learning the time in English. Look at the following clocks.

Listen and repeat.


What time is it?

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido

Listen, repeat & learn!

At midnight (A medianoche)
At midday (A mediodía)
At lunchtime (A la hora de almorzar)
At dinnertime (A la hora de comer/ cenar)
At night (Por la noche)
It’s midnight (Es medianoche)
It’s midday (Es mediodía)


3.f. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.


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