Last year’s holiday

1.- Last year Foxy and Ginger went on holiday

1.a. Look at the flags. Can you identify the countries?




(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)



1.b. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.



Foxy:Where did you go on holiday last year Ginger?
Ginger:I went to France. Where did you go Foxy?
Foxy:I went to Germany.
Ginger:How many days did you stay in Germany?
Foxy:Ten days. How many days did you stay in France?
Ginger:Three days. What did you do in Germany?
Foxy:I walked a lot and I visited different cities.
Ginger:That sounds fun!
Foxy:Yes, it was. What did you do in France?
Ginger:I was ill so I slept a lot and I read two books!
Foxy:Oh no. Why were you ill?
Ginger:I ate some bad food and I was sick.
Foxy:That’s bad.
Ginger:I know! Did you have a good time in Germany?
Foxy:Yes, I did. Did you have a good time in France?
Ginger:No, I didn’t.


1.c. Who says this? Foxy or Ginger.



Who says this?


1.d. Match the questions to the answers.

Match the questions to the answers.


2.- Past Simple (Irregular Verbs)



There are six examples of the past simple with irregular verbs in the conversation between Foxy and Ginger. Can you find them?

Hay seis ejemplos del pasado simple con verbos irregulares en la conversación. ¿Puedes encontrarlos?


2.a. Here is some help just in case! Un poco de ayuda por si acaso.

Here is some help just in case!


There are lots of irregular past simple verbs in English. Unfortunately, there aren’t any rules on how to form them, you just have to learn them!

Hay muchos verbos irregulares en el pasado simple. Desgraciadamente, no hay reglas sobre como formarlos, simplemente tienes que aprenderlos.

Here is a list of irregular past simple verbs. Listen, repeat & learn!

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido



2.b. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


3.- Listen to Duke talk about his holiday last year

Complete the following table.

Complete the following table.

4.- Practice

Now it’s your turn! Ask and answer these questions.

Where did you go on holiday last year?
How many days did you stay (*) there ?
What did you do there?
Did you have a good time?

*Stay (regular verb) = quedarse

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