Pronombres reflexivos - Pronuncación

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 1. She answered the telephone herself.   Ella misma contestó al teléfono
 2. They enjoyed themselves very much in the party. Ellos disfrutaron mucho en la fiesta
 3. He has shaved very quickly. Él se afeitó rápidamente
 4. He has hurt himself. Él se ha hecho daño
 5. We fixed the dinner ourselves. Nosotros mismos preparamos la cena
 6. He himself didn't want to answer. Él mismo no quiso contestar
 7. You have painted the house yourself. Tú mismo has pintado la casa
 8. They themselves burnt the house. Ellos mismos quemaron la casa
 9. You have dressed very smartly. Tú te has vestido muy elegante
 10. I myself want to answer. Yo mismo quiero contestar


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