British Slang – Monday Morning

1.- Introduction

In today’s lesson and the next two lessons, we’re going to look at some British Slang!

Look at the following pictures.

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A. Which picture shows an informal situation and which picture shows a formal situation?

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1) Formal
2) inFormal
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B. In what situations do we speak slang?

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  1. In what situations do we speak slang?
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C. Make a list of three people you usually speak slang with.


Here are some Examples:

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It is very important to remember that slang is an informal way of speaking. It is not a good idea to use it in formal situations.

If used in the wrong context, you can sound over-familiar and rude.


2.- Pre-Listening Task

It’s Monday morning. You’re going to listen to Alex and Katie, two work colleagues talking about what they did at the weekend

A. Before you listen to the work colleagues, make a list of four things people usually do at the weekend. For example, go to the cinema.

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________

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3.- Listening

A. Now listen and see if any of the things you wrote were spoken about.

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido


B. Listen again and answer the following questions:

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1)What did Katie do at the weekend?
2)Why is it good to relax?
3)What did Alex do on Saturday? (3 things)
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Check your answers!


4.- Focus on Vocabulary

A. Look at the audio script and underline all the new slang expressions.

Audio Script: Monday Morning

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B. Match the colloquial phrases on the left with their meaning on the right.

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Use a dictionary if necessary.


5.- Focus on pronunciation and intonation

A. Listen again to the dialogue. This time, mark the primary and if applicable, secondary stress in each sentence. For example:

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Check your answers.

Now practice saying the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
If necessary, listen again and repeat.


6.- Post Listening Task

A. Now you are familiar with the dialogue. Let’s see if you can translate the following section from English into Spanish.

(En todas las preguntas, para ver respuesta hacer doble click en recuadro; un click vuelve a recuadro original)


Now without looking at the original - try and translate your Spanish translation into English.


7.- Speaking Activity

Now we have learnt some British slang, let’s use it!

The situation is:

You meet a class mate in the street on Monday morning. Start a conversation with her/him.

Make sure you use some of the new expressions from today’s lesson!

Write the dialogue and practice saying it.

If you have time!

Record yourself speaking and then listen to the recording and note different ways you can improve your pronunciation and intonation.

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