
1.- Introduction

In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about food. We are going to look at some vocabulary used to describe ways of cooking and we are also going to focus our attention on the imperative.

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2.- Speaking Task

A. To begin the lesson, I would like you to answer the following questions out loud:

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1)What´s your favorite food?
2)What´s your least favourite food?
3)Can you cook? If yes, what can you cook?
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Look at the answer key for help answering these questions.


B. Look at the following pictures. What food can you see? Do you like the food in the pictures?

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1) spa
2) chips
3) veg
4) staek
5) fish
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3.- Cooking Techniques

A. Translate the following ways of cooking. Use a dictionary if necessary.

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How do you cook....?

B. How do you cook the food in the above pictures? Fill in the table with the correct food types. You can use more than one column.

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Spaghetti / Chips / Vegetables / Steak / Fish


*If you don’t know how to cook. Ask your family or friends!


4.- Listening

You are going to listen to your teacher talk about how to make one of her favourite dishes: Fish pie.



Listen and answer the following questions:

A. What are the seven ingredients you need to make the dish?

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B. Listen again and put the instructions into the correct order.

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1) Mash the potatoes with butter, milk, salt and pepper.
2) Put the pie into the oven.
3) Cut the fish into small pieces.
4) Boil some potatoes.
5) Boil some water and add it to a packet of white sauce.
6) Place the mashed potatoes on top of the white sauce.
7) Cover the fish with the white sauce.
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5.- Focus on Grammar – The Imperative


A. Look at the following examples of the imperative (words underlined) and answer the question:

First of all, cut the fish into small pieces. Put the fish into a large dish. To make the white sauce, boil some water and add it to a packet of white sauce. Cover the fish with the white sauce.

Choose the correct answer.

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  1. How is the imperative formed?
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B. Underline all of the examples of the imperative.

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Audio Script




We use the imperative to give orders or instructions.

The imperative is also used on signs and notices.

Notice SignSign


C. Look at the following examples of the imperative and decide if the example is an order, instruction, sign or notice.

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1)Go to bed now!
2)Add milk and sugar
4)Do not use: Out of order
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D. Complete the paragraph. Listen to check your answers.

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido




Cook / Wash / Cut / Add / Put / Mix

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1)Now we´re going to make biscuits. First of all, your hands. Your hands need to be nice and clean. Then, the oven on to 180ºC. Now, get a large bowl and the butter and sugar.
2) the ingredients together. When the sugar is all mixed into the butter, add the flour. Roll out the biscuits and them into the shapes you want. for 10-12 minutes.
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6.- Speaking Task

You have heard your teacher talk about how to make fish pie and biscuits. Now it is your turn to tell us about how to make your favourite dish/food. If you are not sure how to make your favourite dish, you can always look it up on the internet ?

First Step:

1. Find a recipe

2. Write down the recipe

  • Note down the ingredients you need
  • Explain how to make the dish step by step.

3. Use the imperative form

4. Look up any unknown words in the dictionary

Second Step:

1. Tell your teacher how to make the dish!

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