Friends Together

1.- Vocabulary – Food


Fruit (fruta)

Apple: manzana
Banana: plátano
Grapes: uvas
Lemon: limón 
Lime: lima
Melon: melón
Orange: naranja
Peach: melocotón 
Pear: pera
Pineapple: piña
Strawberry: fresa
Raspberry: frambuesa
Cherry: cereza


Vegetables (verduras)

Asparagus: espárrago 
Broccoli: brócoli 
Cabbage: col
Cauliflower: coliflor 
Green beans: judías verdes
Garlic: ajo
Mushrooms: champiñones 
Onion: cebolla
Peas: guisantes
Pepper: pimiento/pimienta 
Potato: patata 
Sweetcorn: maíz dulce


Salad (ensalada)

Carrot: zanahoria 
Cucumber: pepino
Tomato: tomate 
Lettuce: lechuga
Olives: aceitunas 
Olive oil: aceite de oliva
Vinegar: vinagre 



Label the following food

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1) Friends Together
2) Friends Together
3) Friends Together
4) Friends Together
5) Friends Together
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2.- Grammar: Some / Any


We use some with plural nouns.

  • Some apples
  • Some carrots

We use some with positive statements

  • We have some strawberries. 
  • They have some potatoes.


We use any with negative statements

  • We don’t have any cabbages.
  • They don’t have any olives.

We use any with questions

  • Are there any cherries?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?

2.A.- Practice

Complete the sentences with "some" or "any"

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1)There are good restaurants in Twichenham.
2)There aren´t flowers shops in my town.
3)There are trees in the garden.
4)Are there books in the dining room?
5)Would you like sweet corn?
6) people eat a lot of chocolate.
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3.- Grammar: Questions with Do


Verb - To do
He / she /it


Some questions are formed using a question word

Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + bare infinitive (without to)


  • Where do you live?

Some questions are formed with the Auxiliary verb To do

Auxiliary verb + subject + bare infinitive (without to) + compliment


  • Do you play tennis?
  • Does he live in London?


3.A.- Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to do

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1) you eat fruit?
2) they play tennis?
3) he have a cat?
4) she cook every day?
5) I go to he gym on Tuesday?
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4.- Grammar: Questions with Can


To be able to
He / she /it


Some questions are formed with the verb "to be able to".

Can + subject + bare infinitive (without to) + compliment


  • Can you play the piano?
  • Can he eat apples?

4.A.- Put the following questions with can into the correct order

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1) today/they/can/play/outside?
2) bithday/make/can/John´s/cake/a/Sally/for?
3) night/can/party/I/go/on/to/the/Saturday?
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5.- Grammar: Answering do and can questions

When you are asked a question with "do" or "can", the answer is very short.

  • Do you play the piano? Yes, I do
  • Do they sing? No, they don’t
  • Can we go outside? Yes, you can 
  • Can they eat the cake? No, they can’t


5.A.- Answer the questions using short answers.

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1)Do you speak French?
2)Can you ride a bike?
3)Does your mother work?
4)Can you see a computer?
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6.- Reading

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Friends Together


6.A.- Practice

6.A.1.- True or False. 

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1)There isn´t any milk.
2)There´s some orange juice.
3)Sally loves sweetcorn.
4)Andy has sugar.
5)Andy and Sally both like vegetables.
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6.A.2.- Write the questions to the answers

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1) Yes, I do have some sugar.
2) No, I don´t have any peach juice.
3) No, he doesn´t like raspberries.
4) Yes, she does like salad.
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Friends Together
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