Interview with Luke
1.- Vocabulary
Tall: alto
Short: bajo
Fat: gordo
Thin: delgado
Pretty: guapa
Handsome: guapo (para chicos)
Ugly: feo
Blonde hair: pelo rubio
Brown haired: pelo castaño
Ginger hair: pelirrojo
Long hair: pelo largo
Short hair: pelo corto
Bald: calvo
Straight hair: pelo liso
Wavy hair: pelo ondulado
Curly hair: pelo rizado
Pale: pálido
Tanned: bronceado
Beard: barba
Moustache: bigote
Friendly: simpático
Funny: gracioso
Sad: triste
Happy: feliz
Shy: tímido
Nice: agradable
Silly: tonto
Good: bueno
Bad: malo
Ambitious: ambicioso
Honest: honrado
Weak: débil
Strong: fuerte
1.A.- Practice
1.A.1.– Find the opposite adjective
(Para ver la solución hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)
1.A.2.- Describe the following people:
E.g. He has brown hair. She is pretty, etc.
2.- Grammar – Adjectives
An adjective describes something.
- He is a good actor (Es un buen actor)
Rule: Adjectives describe nouns. The adjective never changes. Adjectives don’t have singular and plural forms or masculine and feminine forms.
- The happy man (El hombre feliz)
- The happy men (Los hombres felices)
- The happy woman (La mujer feliz)
- The happy women (Las mujeres felices)
2.A.- Practice
Complete the sentences with the word in brackets.
1) Angelina and Brad are (happy) 2) She is today (sad) 3) They have hair and blue eyes (blonde) 4) Tara and Claire are quite (ambitious)
Rule: Adjectives are placed before the noun, never after the noun.
- The red apple (La manzana roja)
- The interesting books (Los libros interesantes)
Rule: Adjectives can also be placed at the end of a sentence if they describe the subject of a sentence.
- My teacher is shy (Mi profesora es muy tímida)
- The boys are very noisy (Los chicos son muy ruidosos)
2.B.– Place the sentences into the correct order
1) shy/ man/ the/ is/ not 2) have/ hair/ blonde/ they 3) Louise/ brown/ Tom/ have/ and/ hair 4) very/ teacher/my/ is/ pretty 5) strong/ dog/ is/ and/ silly/ our
3.- Reading
(Para ver la solución hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)
3.A.- Questions
3.A.1.– True or False.
1) John has two brothers. 2) Jack is good looking. 3) John is bald. 4) John and Jack are tall. 5) John and jack are the same age.
3.A.2.– Correct the following sentences
1) She have blonde hair. 2) They are strongs. 3) I am short brown hair. 4) Katie and I is happy. 5) The apple is red.