My Office

1.- Vocabulary

Table: mesa
Chair: silla
Computer: ordenador
Laptop: portátil
Mouse: ratón (ordenador)
Printer: impresora
Folder: carpeta
Pen: bolígrafo
Pencil: lápiz
Highlighter: rotulador fluorescente
Paper: papel
Paper clip: clip
Ruler: regla
Stapler: grapadora
Scissors: tijeras
File: archivo
Calculator: calculadora
Envelope: sobre
Book: libro
Door: puerta

1.A.- Practice

Match the words with the correct picture:

Pen / Table / Book / Chair

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1) My Office
2) My Office
3) My Office
4) My Office
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2.- There is / There are

There is: Hay (singular)
There are : Hay (plural)

Is there….?: ¿Hay? (singular)
Are there…?: ¿Hay? (plural)

Yes, there is: Sí, hay (singular)
No, there isn’t: No, no hay (singular)

Yes, there are: Sí, hay (plural)
No, there aren’t: No, no hay (plural)


2.A.- What’s on the table?


My Office


2.A.1.-. Name 3 things on the table

  1. There is a…..
  2. There are….
  3. ……………………………..


2.A.2.-. Answer the questions

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1)Is there a pen?
2)Are there any books?
3)Is there any paper?
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3.- Grammar – Subject Pronouns

He / she
él / Ella


3.A.- Practice

3.A.1.- Complete Dan’s Letter to Amanda. Use I, You, He, She, It, We and They.

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Dear Amanda
My name is Dan. live in London. My friend´s name is Susana. lives in London too. Susana and I like sport. play tennis at weekends.
My friend Ben is a good football player. ´s the school team captain. Ben´s friend is Kate. often visit Ben´s sister in Liverpool. They like Liverpool.
Best wiches,
PS. I´m twenty. How old are ?
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3.A.2.- Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.

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1)Hello John. How are you? I fine. How are you?
2)Is this your book? Yes, my history book.
3)Hi, Are you Maria? No. over there.
4)Is Louise in your class? Yes, is.
5)Hi, Simon. Yes, so happy to see you.
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4.- Reading – My office

(Para ver la traducción hacer doble click en texto; un click vuelve a posición original)


My office


4.A.- Practice

A – Write True or False. 

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1) Tony is from London.
2) There are four chairs in Tony´s office.
3) Tony´s laptop is black.
4) There is one book an Tony´s table.
5) Tony doesn´t have a printer.
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My Office
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