Assessment 2

In todays lesson, you are going to carry out Assessment 2, which involves writing a business email. First of all, we are going to introduce you to the task. We are then going to guide you through the assessment by helping you with ideas for the email and tips on proofreading.

Good luck!


Assessment 2 — Task

You are the PA to Bob Johnson (CFO of Johnsons Painting Industry). Last week, Mr Johnson went to New York on a five-day trip to meet some VIP for a business meeting. He stayed at the Empire State Hotel. On his return, he left you the following note expressing his disappointment at a couple of things:


He asks you to write an email to the hotel and complain about the issues listed above. In your email, he asks you to suggest two possible solutions to the problem. Your email should be 120-140 words. Use appropriate language and expresions.


Before you write

A. To check you have understood Bob's note, answer the following questions: 


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B. Possible Solutions

Look at the problems in the left hand column and match it to a possible solution in the right hand column. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

  • Should return his money immediately and apologize for the inconvenience
  • Should apologize to the customer and ensure it doesn't happen again
  • Should have offered the client a drink in the coffee shop whilst he was waiting
  • Should be given some compensation


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C. Now, it´s time to write to carry out Assessment 2. Write your own response.




D. Read the following student responses to this task and correct the mistakes. The mistakes have been marked in bold and have been underlined. Please note ^ means a words is missing.

There are a total of 9 mistakes that need to be corrected.


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There are a total of 8 mistakes that need to be corrected.

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Now you should proofread your own email. When you have finished, you have completed Assessment 2. Well done ! You could ask a friend or a teacher to check your English.


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