British Festivals/Celebrations

In this lesson, we are going to find out about two famous festivals wich take place in the UK. We are also going to focus on when to use the definite article and when to use the zero article.


Speaking Activity

Look at the following pictures. Can you match the festival to the picture?

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1) imag21
2) Notting Hill Carnival
3) Guy Fawkes Night
4) Shrove Tuerday
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Before listening

A. Before you listen, here is some key vocabulary from one of the celebrations. Match the Spanish to the English traslation.

Hecho a mano/ Día festivo/ Disfraz/ Procesiones/ Racismo/ Disturbio/ Caribeño


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1)Bank holiday
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B. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the list above. You may have to change the form of the word.

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1)Sometimes immigrants to the UK ere subjected to
2)In the UK, we have two in May. They are always on a Monday and so we all get to have a long weekend.
3)The dress she wore to the party was
4)On Good Friday, two days before Easter Sunday, some towns in the UK still have Easter
5)Last year, John went to the on holiday. He said the beaches were amazing.
6)Often the police have to attend protests and stop from happening
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Listening Activity 

A. Which festival do you think the vocabulary comes from? Listen to check your answer. 

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B. Listen again and write the answers to the questions in complete sentences. 

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1)When does the celebration take place?
2)In What year was the first carnival?
3)Why did the carnival begin? (two possible reasons)
4)On average, how many people went to the carnival in 1976?
5)Why do the Caribbean youths sometimes fight with the police?
6)What happens during the carnival?
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Check your answers!


Audio Script.

audio sript



Writing Task.

A. Write your answer to the following questions. Give as much detail as possible.


1. Would you like to visit this festival? Why? Why not? Give two reasons.




2. You are going to explain this festival to a friend. Write notes on the most important information. 



Now tell your friend about the Notting Hill Carnival.


Reading Activity

A. Before you read, translade the followings words into Spanish. You may need a Dictionary!


Complot/ Conspirador/ Restablecer/ Hoguera/ Conspirador/ Fuegos artificiales/ Pólvora/ Explosivo/ 

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B. Read about Guy Fawkes Night and answer the questions.





1. Put the heading into the correct order

  • How we celebrate
  • History of the gunpower plot
  • General Information

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2. Would you like to take part in this festival? Why? Why not? Give 2 reasons.




3. You are going to explain your festival to a friend. Write notes on the most important information.




Focus on Grammar - The Definite Article

A. Look at the definite article "the" in context. Can you create a rule as to when we use "the" in sentences?

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