Business Introductions

In this lesson, you are goin to learn how to give a good first impression in a business environment. You are also going to look at how to introduce yourself in a friendly and efficient way. Let´s begin!


Speaking Activity

First impressions.

A. Imagine that you are meeting the following people for the first time in a business environment. What first impression do they give? Wich person gives the best first impression? Why?

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1)He looks a little . He is not cleanly shaven. However, he does have a warm smile. The way he is dressed is quite casual and is probably not accepted in a formal business environment imag16
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1)He doesn´t look . In fact, he looks unwelcoming. He is, however, dressed well imag17
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1)She looks very and friendly. She has a warm smile and she is well dressed. She wold make you feel comfortable imag18
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B. When you meet someone for the first time, what helps you to feel (according with the picture A).

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  1. When you meet someone for the first time, what helps you to feelWelcome:
  2. When you meet someone for the first time, what helps you to feel Unwelcome?
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Writing Task

Write the answer to the following questions giving as much information as possible. Use some of the vocabulary/phrases from the vocabulary bank to improve fluency.

A. When you meet someone in a business situation, what first impression do you like to give ?____________________________________________________________


B. When you meet someone in a business situation what first impression do you want yo give? _____________________________________________________________





Listening (Recording)

Listen to the four dialogues wich take place between two unknown business associates.


A. Write the answer to the following questions

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1)Which dialogue is the friendliest?
2)Which dialogue is the most welcoming?
3)Which dialogue is inappropriate?
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B. Listen again to dialogues 2 and 3 and fill in the gaps.

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Focus on Vocabulary

A. Read the audio script and complete the table with the correct phrases.


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Reading - The British Hand Shake

Read the following text about the British hand shake. Look up any words that you are not familiar with.




A. Are the following statement True or False. Correct the False statements.

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1)You always shake hands when you meet someone for the first time in the UK
2)The way you shake someone's hand says a lot about you as a person
3)If you don't give your hand shake the correct firmness, you can give a negative impression
4)The hand shake usually lasts for more than 5 seconds
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Now, practice introducing yourself to members of your family and friends.

To ensure you are doing things well, watch the video of your teacher introducing herself a work colleague.

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