Recruitment process (I)

Once you have found a job that suits your needs, skills and experience; you need to prepare a CV to match the position. It is very important that you do not send exactly the same for every job. The trick is to slightly change your CV each time to match it to what the company is looking for. That way your CV will get noticed. In this lesson, we are going to focus on how to write a cv for a UK based company. 

Let's begin!


CVS in the UK


A. Answer the following questions.

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1)Have you ever written a CV before? If so, when? For what position? Yes
2)What information do you include in a CV in your country? twitter account
3)What is the average length of a CV in your country? 2 pages
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Research Time

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Check your understanding:


C. Put the following headins into order according to their position the CV.

  • Work experience
  • Personal Information
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Personal Profile
  • Skills
  • References
  • Interests and Achievements

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D. Under wich headings in the CV would you place he following


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Personal Profile - Reading comprehension


As with everything, first impressions are extremely important. One of the first things that the human resources department read when they receive your cv is your personal profile.

Here is an example:



A. Write the answers to the following questions in note form. 


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Focus on adjectives


As you have seen, a personal profile contains a variety of positive adjectives that describe your skills and overall personality.


A. Match the synonyms

  • Determined
  • Pro-active
  • Motivated
  • Observant
  • Positive
  • Hard-working
  • Passionate

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When you are meeting your personal profile, always at the job advert, it´s a good idea to underline the adjectives or the skills that are required for the position and use synonyms of these words in your personal profile.


B. On the lef thand side, you will see a list of skills found in the job advert for Assessment. Use a dictionary to find synonyms for each skill.


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Writing Activity


A. Now it is time for your to write your own personal profile. Look at the personal profile. The words that you need to change have been higlighted. Try and change the words to match your personal profile to the skills required in the job advert.




B. Here is an example of what a student wrote. There are four errors. Find them and correct them.




How to make your CV


Your teacher is now going to talk you throught how to make your CV. In order to follow your teacher, you will need to have your computer on and be ready to write.



Model CV


Here is a model CV for you to look at in order to help you write your own.





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