Telephoning (II)

In this lesson, we are goint to continue with telephoning and we are going to start by learning the international alphabet. We are then going to focus on leaving and receiving telephone messages. Let´s begin!


International Alphabet

The international alphabet is frequently used when trying to clarify the spelling of a name, place or destination. Listen and repeat.


Sonido 1 



Sonido 2

A. Listening to your teacher spell five words using the international alphabet. Write the words.

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B. Practice spelling the following words out loud.

  1. Jennifer
  2. Lucinda
  3. Freddy
  4. Brighton
  5. Edinburgh


C. Now practice using the international alphabet to spell your full name and address.


Now learn the international alphabet! Good luck

Leaving Messages (Listenings 3 and 4)

In the business world, often when you call someone they are not available and you will get through to their voice mail. In this situation, you may decide to leave a message.


A. You are now going to listen to two diferent types of voicemail messages. Listen to them and identify which is a standard message and which is a personalized message. 


Sonido 3 

Sonido 4


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B. Listen to the messages again and fill in the gaps. You can listen a maximum of two times. 

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1)Hello, your cannot be at the , so please your message after the
2) is Karen of Crown Point Consulting Services. I´m away from my and unable to your call. Please your name, , and your message, and I will you as soon as I . Thanks.
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C. Now, practice saying the standard and personalised messages a couple of times with the correct intonation. Change the personalised message so that you indude your own personal details. (Sonido 5) 


Sonido 5

D. Here is a message that has been left on a standard voicemail. Put the message into the correct order.


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E. answer the following questions relating to the message.

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1)Why is Tina leaving a message?
2)What information does she give?
3)What does she want Loiuse to do?
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F. You are now going to listen to 3 different messages. Fill in the chart below:


Sonido 6

Sonido 7

Sonido 8

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**Mensajes completos del ejercicio F




Taking Messages

When taking down messages, it is very important that you get certain facts right, for example, the name, address and telephone number of the caller. Here are some essential phrases that can help you.



A. Practing saying the phrases out loud.

B. Complete the following dialogue. You can use some of the phrase from the list above but you will also need to write your own.

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C. Choose the most appropriate response:

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  1. Can I take a message?
  2. Sarah Bond speaking
  3. Could I have your number?
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Your turn!

You are now going to practice leaving messages.

 D. Below are some messages that you have to leave. Listen to the answer machine message and leave the correct message.


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