Exercise. The Present Simple: sometimes obligatory

Complete the following using the most suitable for (Present Progressive or Present Simple) of the verbs from the boxes.


like watch want prefer


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
– Hello, Chris. Come in. you to see Susan?
- Yes, Is she at home?
- Yes, She television in the living room.
- Thanks. Would you like a cigar?
- No, thanks. I not cigars very much. I cigarrettes to cigars.
- Can I go thought to the living room?
- Of course.
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watch like believe listen watch do


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
– Hello, Susan. What game you ?
- It's theone between Real Madrid and Barcelona.
- Oh. you watching football on TV?
- Yes, very much. I games on TV on Saturdays.
- Where's Michael?
- He's in his bedroom. He to records and his homework.
- Doing his homework! I not it!
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think want like speak


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
– I not to watch TV this evening. Les't go to the cinema.
- OK. There's a goog French film at the Ritz.
- But I not French and I not French films. In fact I they are terrible. Let's see a Western.
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