Fame & Fortune. Reading & Questions



BBC WORLD NEWS, Wednesday, 31 July, 2002


Three charged over Millionaire 'scam'


Three people have been charged in connection with an alleged plot to swindle the makers of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? out of the jackpot prize.

Quiz show winner Major Charles Ingram, his wife Diana Ingram and college lecturer Tecwen Whittock were all charged with deception and conspiracy.

The Ingrams said they were confident they would be cleared of wrongdoing in connection with the ITV1 show, filmed in September of last year, and would sue for the £1m.

Major Ingram successfully answered all of the questions, but it was claimed he had been helped along by coded coughs from an audience member.

The prize was withheld by Celador, which makes the Chris Tarrant show, and Scotland Yard detectives began an investigation.

The Metropolitan Police said an unnamed 35-year-old man is on bail while investigations continue.



The Ingrams, who are both 38 years old and from Easterton, Wiltshire, issued a statement after being charged.

Their solicitor said: "Both Mr and Mrs Ingram intend to defend the charges and are confident that they will be cleared of any wrongdoing."

The solicitor said Major Ingram planned to "proceed with his claim against the makers of the programme for payment of the £1 million prize", once he was cleared.

"In the light of the forthcoming criminal proceedings neither Mr or Mrs Ingram will be making any further comments or statements at this stage," the solicitor added.

Mrs Ingram, a nursery nurse, and Mr Whittock, 52, of Whitchurch, Cardiff , south Wales , were charged earlier on Wednesday.

Mr Whittock is the head of business studies at Pontypridd College in south Wales.

The Ingrams and Mr Whittock were bailed to appear at Bow Street magistrates court in central London on 7 August.

They were first questioned by police last November.





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