Grammar - Gerund

Gerunds are always used after certain verbs. The most common verbs are:

Admit / Anticipate / Appreciate / Avoid / Cannot help / Consider / Deny / Dislike / Enjoy / Give up / Finish / Involve (entail) / Keep on (persist) / Mention / Mind / Miss / Postpone / Practise / Prevent / Propose / Put off / Recall / Recommend / Report / Resent / Resist / Risk / Stop (prevent) / Stop (cease) / Suggest


Some verbs can be used with either a gerund or an infinitive without any change of meaning.

  • E.g. begin, continue, start

Some verbs can be used with either the gerund or infinitive but there is a difference of meaning.

  • E.g. remember, forget, and stop.

Certain phrases are always followed by the gerund.

  • E.g. It's no good, it's no use, it's not worth..


A. Complete the following sentences using one of the verbs from the list above.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)If you can´t smoking, at least you could cut down a bit!
2)I´ve going the dentist for as long as I could but I now I´ve no choice.
3)The shoes seemed such a bargain that I couldn´t buying them.
4)Now I´m living on my own, I really having someone to chat to.
5)I eating chocolate for 40 whole days.
6)My neighbour going to the supermarket on the corner not the one opposite the station.
7)If you insist on taking your case to court you losing everything.
8)The thief stealing the car from the car park.
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