Contracciones en Inglés - Ejercicios


1. Convierte estas frases utilizando contracciones:

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1)They are writting a letter of complaint at the moment. writting a letter of complaint at the moment
2)A letter of complaint should not be complicated. A letter of complaint be complicated.
3)Will not it $600 be enough? it be enough?
4)I will not go if it´s raining. I go if it´s raining.
5)I could not be fair. I be fair.
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Sonidos Ejercicios

2. Sigamos practicando. Convierte las siguientes frases usando contracciones:

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)They are running by the mountain. running by the mountain.
2)It should not be easy. It be easy.
3)You will not be the winner. You be the winner.
4)I will not go tomorrow. I go tomorrow.
5)It could not be love. It be love.
6)They are my friends. my friends.
7)She is my grandmother. my grandmother.
8)She does not come with us. She come with us
9)I did not do it. I do it.
10)They were not the killers. They the kilers.
11)You are a good boy. a good boy.
12)It should not be so difficult. It be so difficult.
13)You can not do it. You do it
14)They are the football players. the football players.
15)I could not be your friend. I be your friend.
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