"Does" en Inglés



When Sigmund Freud died in 1939, psychology was beginning to be accepted worldwide by the inteligensia. Universities soon began to accept it in their curricula. 

When Carl Jung died in 1961, parapsychology was beginning to be accepted worldwide by the intelligentsia. 

Today there are no universities or even university departments for parapsychology. There are, however, departments of psychology and physics that conduct parapsychology experiments: the universities of North Carolina, London, Stanford, etc. 

For instance, Stanford does experiments on mind control; the University of N. C. on telepathy; the University of London on forecasting.

So does the world need a university that has a parapsychology department? 

Ask Dr. Jung, Mesmer, Pauli, Brosse, Schrödinger, Minkowski, etc.: all those scientists and Nobel Prize winners, who have added on to our knowledge of the field!







To die morir
Worldwide universal
The Intelligentsia la comunidad de los intelectuales
Prize premio
Winner ganador
To add on añadir
Knowledge conocimiento
Field campo
However sin embargo


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