"Ello" (it) en Inglés - Ejercicios




1. Elige la opción correcta:

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1) are in the South The states of Florida, Alabama, and Virginia are in the South
2) is typically from the South Kentucky Friend chicken is typically from the South
3) is hot and humid The climate is hot and humid
4) is not the capital of Georgia Atlanta is not the capital of Georgia
5) live really well in Atlanta People live really well in Atlanta
6) are in the garden John, Peter and Louise are in the garden
7) is typically from England Football is typically from England
8) is broken The lamp is broken
9) is not the capital of Georgia Madrid is not the capital of Georgia
10) are very happy My friends are very happy
11) are my friends Javier, Ana and Laura are my friends
12) mine The dog is mine
13) is windy The weather is windy
14) is not french Barcelona is not in France
15) live really well in Atlanta People live really well in Atlanta
16) are typically from Africa Safaris are typically from Africa
17) is near The hotel is near
18) is green The house is green
19) are the bests My parents are the bests
20) are living in Italy Julia and Jack are living in Italy
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