The Verb "To get" - Ejercicios



1. Elije la opción correcta:

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  1. I got my schedule ready
  2. I got a lot of letters
  3. I got a lot of letters from my desk
  4. I got away from the fight
  5. I got into the bus
  6. Get in the car!
  7. You should get more money for your house
  8. Don`t repeat it, I get it
  9. I got away from here
  10. He gets 1000 euros monthly
  11. I got late to the office
  12. I will get the car
  13. Can you get the phone?
  14. I asked him to get me to the airport
  15. We got up very late yesterday
  16. I get over 20 emails daily
  17. Do you get what i am telling you?
  18. I got very tired
  19. I got sick again
  20. We never get home before 11 pm on Fridays
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