Daily routine

1.- Listen and Repeat



Wake up / Have a shower / Have breakfast / Get dressed / Brush your hair /

Watch television / Brush your teeth / Go to bed


(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

daily routine


3.- Duke`s daily routine.

Everyday I wake up early. I have a shower, brush my teeth, brush my hair and get dressed. Then I have breakfast. I eat a lot of food for breakfast.

In the evening, I watch television. I like watching television. I go to bed at nine o’clock.


4.- Ginger is going to tell you about her daily routine

Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs.

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

daily routine


5.- What about you?

Put the following actions into order according to your daily routine.
Pon las siguientes acciones en orden según tu rutina diaria.

• Have breakfast
• Wake up 1
• Have a shower
• Brush my teeth
• Get dressed
• Brush my hair
• Watch television
• Go to bed 8

6.- After School….free time activities


Wake up

Wake up

Have a shower

Have a shower

Have breakfast

Have breakfast

Get dressed

Get dressed

Brush my hair

Brush my hair

Watch television

Watch television

Brush my teeth

Brush my teeth

Go to bed

Go to bed


2.- Listen to Duke talking about his daily routine

Put the following actions in order.

Wake up / Have a shower / Have breakfast / Get dressed / Brush your hair / Watch television / Brush your teeth / Go to bed


(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

daily routine


3.- Duke`s daily routine.

Everyday I wake up early. I have a shower, brush my teeth, brush my hair and get dressed. Then I have breakfast. I eat a lot of food for breakfast.

In the evening, I watch television. I like watching television. I go to bed at nine o’clock.


4.- Ginger is going to tell you about her daily routine

Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs.

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

daily routine


5.- What about you?

Put the following actions into order according to your daily routine.
Pon las siguientes acciones en orden según tu rutina diaria.

• Have breakfast
• Wake up 1
• Have a shower
• Brush my teeth
• Get dressed
• Brush my hair
• Watch television
• Go to bed 8


6.- After School….free time activities



When I finish school, I sometimes play tennis with my friends. We play at my local tennis club. When I go home, I often play on the computer and I often go swimming. I love swimming. I never watch television after school. I hate the television. I always do my homework.


7.- Complete

Go swimming / Play tennis / Play on the computer / Do my homework

Watch television

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1) Play tennis
2) Play on the computer
3) Go swimming
4) Watch television
5) Do my homework
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What activities do you do after school?

I _________________

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