Going to a cafe

1.- Duke and Ginger go to a cafe


Duke and Ginger go to a caféDuke and Ginger go to a café


They ask for the menu…. Listen and Repeat


They ask for the menu…. Listen and Repeat


2.- Put the following food and drink in order of preference

A sandwich

A hamburger

A hotdog

A pizza

A portion of chips

A fizzy drink

An apple juice

A water


3.- Duke and Ginger talk about what they would like to eat and drink

Duke and Ginger


3.1.- Listen and answer the questions.

Duke: What would you like to eat Ginger?

Ginger: I would like a hotdog.

Duke: Would you like a portion of chips?

Ginger: No, thank you. What would you like to eat?

Duke: I would like a pizza.

Ginger: That sounds nice! What would you like to drink?

Duke: I would like a fizzy drink. What would you like to drink?

Ginger: I would like an apple juice.


3.2.- Answer the following questions. True or False

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

Answer the following questions


4.- Practice


What would you like to eat?

I would like a __________________

What would you like to drink?

I would like a __________________


5.- Complete the following dialogue between Duke and Ginger

I would like a pizza / Yes, I am / I would like a water / No, thanks

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

Complete the following dialogue

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