What toys have you got?

1.- Toys

Listen and point





toys lecc21


2.- Put the toys in alphabetical order

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

Put the toys in alphabetical order


3.- Duke and Ginger

3.1.- Read and Listen


Duke: What toys have you got Ginger?

Ginger: I’ve got a computer and a kite.

Duke: Have you got a doll?

Ginger: Yes, I have.

Duke: Have you got a ball?

Ginger: Yes, I have. It’s pink. What toys have you got Duke?

Duke: I’ve got a train and a car.

Ginger: Have you got a bike?

Duke: Yes, I have. It’s small.

Ginger: Have you got a teddy?

Duke: Yes, I have. It’s very big!


3.2.- True or False

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)

True or False


4.- Which toys belong to Ginger and which toys belong to Duke?

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)



5.- Practice


What toys have you got?

I’ve got a ____________

Have you got a ____________?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t


6.- What’s it made of?

Read and Listen

Duke: What’s your ball made of?

Ginger: It’s made of plastic.

Duke: My car is made of plastic.

Ginger: What’s your kite made of?

Duke: It’s made of material.

Ginger: My doll is made of material.

Duke: What’s your teddy made of?

Ginger: It’s also made of material. What’s your train made of?

Duke: It’s made of wood.

Ginger: What’s your computer made of?

Duke: It’s made of metal.

Ginger: My bike is also made of metal.


7.- Fill in the table with the following toys:

Ball / Car / Kite / Doll / Teddy / Train / Computer / Bike

(Para ver las respuestas hacer doble click en la imagen; un click vuelve a posición original)


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