
1.- Charlie and his family





I have two brothers and one sister. My brother’s names are Clifton and Albert. My sister’s name is Lydia. I am twelve years old. My brother Clifton is 7 years old and my brother Albert is eight years old. Lydia is nine years old.

Lydia has two children. Their names are Sammy and Rick. Sammy is one year old and Rick is eight months old.

We live in Africa. Africa is very big and beautiful. During the day, we play together and eat fruit. At night, we sleep together in the trees.


1.a. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)


1.b. Each sentence has one verb. For example:

I have two brothers and one sister.


Underline the verb in each sentence. (Subraya el verbo en cada frase)

Each sentence has one verb


1.c. Match the verbs to their translation in Spanish.

Match the verbs to their translation in Spanish.


2.- Grammar: The Present Simple

Los verbos que has subrayado son verbos del presente simple. El presente simple tiene verbos regulares y verbos irregulares. En esta lección vamos a estudiar dos verbos irregulares y en la lección seis estudiaremos algunos verbos regulares.


Study the following:

Irregular Verbs

Verb: To be

Irregular Verbs


Verb: To have

Verb: To have


Notarás que los verbos tienen un ‘full form’ y un ‘short form’. Normalmente utilizamos el ‘full form’ cuando escribimos en inglés y utilizamos el ‘short form’ cuando hablamos en inglés. El ‘short form’ es más coloquial.


2.a. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs: ‘to be’ or ‘to have’.

play  cat
family  dog

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs


3.- Foxy needs help!


I’m writing a letter to my sister but I need help with
the verbs ‘to be’ and ‘to have’.
Can you please help me?


3.a. Complete the letter with the correct form of the verbs ‘to be’ or ‘to have’.

the verbs ‘to be’ or ‘to have’.


4.- Your turn!

Write the answers to the following questions:

Write the answers to the following questions:

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