Revision Lessons 21-24

1.- Change the following verbs into the gerund.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer  doble click en el texto; un click vuelve a posición original)

Change the following verbs into the gerund.


2.- Find the gerunds from the verbs above in the wordsearch below.

 Find the gerunds from the verbs above in the wordsearch below.


3.- Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.



4.- Translate the sentences in 3 from English into Spanish

Translate the sentences in 3 from English into Spanish



5.- Look at the people in the pictures. Write some sentences describing them.

What are they doing?
What are they wearing?



Write some sentences describing them.

Write some sentences describing them.


6.- Answer the following questions about you.

Answer the following questions about you.


7.- Put the following sentences into the past simple.

Put the following sentences into the past simple.


8.- Fill in the table with the correct form of the past simple.

Fill in the table with the correct form of the past simple.

9.- Write a paragraph (30-50 words) about last year’s holiday. Try to include some regular and irregular verbs.

Here are some questions to help you:

Where did you go on holiday last year?
How long did you stay there?
What did you do there?
Did you have a good time?

about last year’s holiday








1. Who is your favourite singer or group?

2. Collect photos of your favourite singer/group. Make notes under the following headings.

My favourite singer / My favourite group





Best song:

3. Write a paragraph about your favourite singer or group. Write in complete sentences.


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