What can you see?

1.- Which animals can you see?


Which animals can you see?


Here are some clues to help you.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto;  un click vuelve a posición original)

Here are some clues to help you.


1.a. Ginger is going to describe one of the pictures below. Which picture is she describing? Picture 1 or picture 2?

Ginger Ginger


Picture 1 or picture 2?




In the picture, there are some kittens. One kitten is white and one is brown, black and white. There are some puppies. There is a white rabbit. There is also one hamster and there is one guinea pig.

When does Ginger use ‘there is a...’ and when does Ginger use ‘there are some...’?

There is a ... (hay) : We use this with singular nouns
There are some...(hay) : We use this with plural nouns


1.b. Look at the following picture. Answer the following questions about the picture.







Are there any kittens? Yes, there are / No, there aren’t
Is there a cat? Yes, there is / No, there isn’t.


1.c. Write a description of the picture using ‘there is a...’ and ‘there are some...’, ‘there aren’t any...’, there isn’t a’

Write a description


2.- Focus on Some / Any

We use some and any with plural nouns (utlizamos ‘some’ y ‘any’ con nombres plurales)

Look at the following examples:

• There are some cats.
• There aren’t any dogs.
• Do you have any guinea pigs?


2.a. Complete the rule of use for some and any. Place some or any into the gaps.

Complete the rule of use for some and any


2.b. Complete the following sentences with some or any.

Complete the following sentences with some or any.


2.c. Translate the first three sentences into Spanish.

Translate the first three sentences into Spanish.


3.- Listen to Ginger and Foxy talk about their pets

Ginger: Do you have any pets Foxy?

Foxy: Yes, I have.

Ginger: What pets do you have?

Foxy: I have some fish and some frogs.

Ginger: How many frogs have you got?

Foxy: I’ve got five frogs. They are all green and black.

Ginger: How many fish do you have?

Foxy: I’ve got seven fish. Do you have any pets Ginger?

Ginger: No, I don’t. I don’t like animals.

Foxy: Really? How strange!

Ginger: My brother has lots of pets though. He has some tortoises              and some rabbits.


3.a. Answer the following questions.

Answer the following questions.

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