What’s the time?

1. In today’s lesson you are going to learn how to say the time in English

1.a. Listen to the conversation between Ginger and Foxy.




Ginger & Foxy: Hello kids!

Ginger: Hi Foxy!

Foxy: Hi Ginger!

Ginger: Foxy, when do you play computer games?

Foxy: I play computer games in the morning.

Ginger: Do you play everyday?

Foxy: Yes, I play everyday in the morning.

Ginger: Foxy, when do you go swimming?

Foxy: I go swimming in the afternoon.

Ginger: Do you go swimming everyday?

Foxy: No, not everyday. I only go swimming on Fridays and Saturdays.

Ginger: Foxy, when do you play with your friends?

Foxy: I play with my friends in the evening.

Ginger: Me too! Do you play with your friends in the evening everyday?

Foxy: No, only if I finish my homework ?!






1.b. Match the questions with the answers.

(En todos los ejercicios, para ver la solución hacer doble click en el texto;  un click vuelve a posición original)

Match the questions with the answers.


1.c. Here are some new phrases. Listen, repeat & learn!

[Objeto Flash Eliminado] Sonido

What time is it?


It’s quarter past one  It’s quarter past six  It’s half past one
It’s quarter past one   It’s quarter past six   It’s half past one
It’s half past six  It’s quarter to nine  It’s quarter to twelve
It’s half past six   It’s quarter to nine   It’s quarter to twelve


2.d. What time is it?

Write the time in complete sentences.


what timi is it?

3.- Practice

Answer the following question:

What time is it ? It's ...

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