Dangerous situations
1.- Introduction to lesson
In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about dangerous situations. We are also going to examine and compare the past simple and the past continuous. Now, let us begin!
1.1.- Look at the pictures below and describe them in detail.
What dangerous situations are being shown?
1) | ![]() | |
2) | ![]() | |
3) | ![]() | |
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2.- Your turn…
Answer the following questions out loud in as much detail as possible.
- Do you know of anyone who has experienced any of the dangerous experiences shown above? What was the end result?
- Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? If so, what happened?
The following sentences may help you answer the questions:
- My brother was bitten by a dog when he was 15 years old. He was playing in the park when suddenly a dog started running towards him…
- I was in a dangerous situation a few years ago and…
3.- Pre-listening task
You are going to listen to Andy talking about a time when he was in a dangerous situation.
3.1.- Here are some key phrases from the listening. Can you guess which order the phrases go in?
1) | The driver of the car stopped the car and immediately got out. | |
2) | The car ran over my umbrella. | |
3) | I was walking home from the station after work. | |
4) | He kept apologising but I told him that he really wasn´t to blame. | |
5) | I ran across the road and at that moment a car came speeding round the corner. | |
6) | I live really close to the station so it usually takes me about 10 minutes to get home. | |
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4.- Listening
4.1.- Listen and check your predictions
4.2.- Listen again and answer the following questions
1) | What was the situation? | |
2) | When did it happen? | |
3) | Where was she? | |
4) | What was she doing when the dangerous situation happened? | |
5) | What happened? | |
6) | How did the driver feel? | |
7) | What did the speaker learn from her dangerous experience? | |
8) | What would you have done in this situation? | |
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5.- How to give an account of an event
Accounts are often told in five stages. Look at the tapescript and decide the most appropriate heading for each paragraph
The end result / Introduction / The background / The problem / The resolution
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6.- Grammar point: Past simple and Past continuous
Look at the following sentence which has been taken from the listening.
- As it was raining I wanted to get home as soon as possible
6.1.- Identify the verb forms which are in past simple and the past continuous.
1) | Was raining | |
2) | Wanted | |
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6.2.- Complete the following rule with simple or continuous.
1) The past is usually used in contrast with the past . You use the past to dewscribe an action that was in progress when another past event happened. You use the past to describe a completed, single action - usually them main event of the sentence.
6.3.- Choose either the past simple or past continuous according to the sentence.
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7.- Pronunciation practice – regular past simple verbs
As you should all know at this level, all regular past simple verbs end in –ed, for example:
- played, stayed, visited and retired.
There are however, three different ways of pronouncing the –ed ending.
7.1.- Listen to your teacher pronounce the following verbs and decide which category they go in:
Looked / Retreated / Finished / Stayed / Watched / Retired / Learned
Visited / Failed / Shared / Cried / Showed / Passed / Married
Played / Departed
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8.- Your turn…
Now you have studied and heard how to give an account of a dangerous situation, it’s your turn!
You must include:
- Introduction (When? Where?)
- The background (Past simple and past continuous)
- The problem
- The resolution
- End result (moral?)