Sports time

1.- Introduction to Lesson

In today’s lesson we are going to talk about football. We are also going to look at the first and second conditional.


2.- Your turn…

Look at the following pictures and describe exactly what you see:
E.g. In the first picture, I can see a lot of football players. They are walking onto the pitch…..




3.- Listening

3.1.- Listen to your teacher talk about football and answer the following questions:

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1)What does she think about football?
2)What things does she like when she goes to a football match?
3)What things doesn´t she like qhen she goes to a footboall match?
4)Who is the top of the league in England at the moment?
5)Who is bottom of the league in England at the moment?
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4.- Grammar Focus – First and Second Conditional

Look at the following two sentences and identify the tenses in each sentence e.g. present simple, past simple, etc. What is the difference in meaning between the two sentences?

  • If Manchester United win the league I won’t be very happy.
  • If Portsmouth won the league I’d be shocked.


5.- Teacher talk time

Listen to your teacher explaining the differences between the first and second conditional.


6.- Your turn

6.1.- Now you have listened to your teacher explain the differences between the zero and first conditional. I would like you to put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense according to the meaning of the sentence.

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7.- Listening

7.1.- Before listening, try to learn the following key vocabulary.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Footballer: futbolista
  • Embarrassed: avergonzado
  • Football match: partido de fútbol
  • Away match: partido fuera casa
  • Home match: partido en casa


7.2.- Now, listen to Tim and Lisa discussing what they would do in certain situations and answer the following questions.




Listen once and answer the following question:

How many questions are asked?

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7.3.- Now listen again and complete the following questions and answers.

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1)What if you saw a famous footballer?
2), it depends if he was good-looking or not.
3)Would you match your team play away from home with the home fans?
4)No, never.
5)If and someone you another ticket, what ?
6)I would probably ask some of my friends to see
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Tim: What would you do if you saw a famous footballer?

Lisa: I don’t really know, it depends if he was good-looking or not.

Tim: Ok then, well, what would you do if he was a good-looking footballer?

Lisa: Nothing! I would be too embarrassed.

Tim: Right. Well, what would you do if you were invited to a football match and you had to work early the next day?

Lisa: I would definitely go. I love football. I’ve got a question for you… Would you watch your team play away from home if you had to sit with the home fans?

Tim: No, never! That would be awful. I wouldn’t be able to shout for my team!

Lisa: If you were already going to a football match and someone offered you another ticket, what would you do?

Tim: I would probably ask some of my friends to see if they wanted to go.


8.- Your turn…

Answer the following questions with as much detail as possible:

If your friends were going to a football match and they hadn’t invited you, what would you do? Why?

What would you do if you didn’t like football and you were given a free ticket to see a match?

If you had the opportunity to go to a party or stay at home with some friends to watch a football match, what would you do? Why?

  • You may find the following phrases useful.
  • I would………
  • I don’t know what I would do….
  • Maybe I’d …….
  • I’d definitely…..
  • I wouldn’t ……


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