Time for bed

1.- Introduction to lesson

In this lesson, we are going to talk about sleep or lack of it! In the vocabulary section, we are going to look at compounds words and phrases which contain the words day and night.


2.- Your turn…

A. Look at the people in the following pictures. Describe what you see in each picture in detail. What are the main differences between the two people in bed?


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3.- Teacher Talk Time

Listen to your teacher talk about both pictures and introduce the topic of the lesson.

4.- Your turn…

Answer the following questions out loud giving as much detail as possible.

  • How many hours a night do you sleep?
  • How do you feel if you don’t sleep enough?
  • Do you remember your dreams? If so, can you talk us through one of your dreams.
  • Do you ever suffer from insomnia?


5.- Listening

Your teacher is going to read you the introduction of an article published on the guardian.co.uk. Before you listen, look at the words in the box and see if you can guess what the story is about.

Britain / insomnia / pills / high-speed lives / obsession


Listen to your teacher, did you guess correctly?


5.1.- Listen again and decide if the following statements are true or false. If the statement is false explain why.

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1)Many Brigtons suffer from insomnia
2)A lot of Brigtons are obsessed the amount of sleep they get
3)Everyone that suffers from insomnia takes somethings to try and cure it
4)Modern day society is to blame
5)Everyone seems to know someone who has sleeping problems
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5.2.- Tapescript

Britain is suffering from an epidemic of insomnia. Sleep -or lack of it- has become a modern obsession. A vast industry exists to try and cure this malaise, with a mix of pills, potions and psychology. But what is it about our lives that is keeping us awake? Have our high-tech, high-speed lives made us lose contact with our bodies' natural rhythms  or is it all in the mind?

Insomnia is a modern curse. It is, according to every other headline, an "epidemic". Are you getting enough? is a question far more likely these days to apply to sleep than sex. It is a national obsession.

Every other person I asked about insomnia for this article -colleagues, friends, acquaintances- seemed to have difficulty sleeping, or to be married to someone who did, or to have an insomniac child. Some of the people I spoke to would ask, with a glint in their eye: was I an insomniac too? as if it were some sort of secret society. No, I'd say, and their interest would flag. But my interest in them was just waking up.

This article was taken from guardian.co.uk and appeared in The Observer on Sunday 27th April 2008.


6.- Your turn…

One of the questions the journalist asks is:

"What is it about our lives that is keeping us awake?"

What do you think? Why are so many people suffering from insomnia? Give your opinion about the possible causes.

Here are some useful phrases you might like to use when giving your answer:

- Personally, I think that…

- I must say that…

- I’m convinced that…

- I suppose that…

- It’s difficult to give an opinion…


7.- Vocabulary Focus – Night & Day

There are many compound words and phrases which contain day or night, for example, nightmaredaylight.

Can you think of anymore?


7.1.- Look at the words and phrases below and see if you can complete them by either adding day or night.

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4)One of these
5)The other
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8.- Key Vocabulary

Some of the words may be new to you. Here is their equivalent in Spanish. In order to learn the words, try and write a short paragraph using at least 5 of the words.

  • Nightshift: turno de noche
  • Overnight: durante la noche
  • Nightdress: camisón
  • One of these days: uno de estos días
  • The other day: el otro día
  • Goodnight!: Buenas noches
  • Daydream: ensueño
  • Nightlife: vida nocturna
  • Nightclub: discoteca
  • Daybreak: amanecer


9.- Listening

9.1.- Look at the following words/phrases and check their meaning.

You are now going to listen to your teacher talk about sleep. Look at the following words/phrases and put them in order according to the order your teacher mentions them.

  1. Sleepwalk
  2. Wake up
  3. Sleep like a log
  4. Have a restless night
  5. Have a nap
  6. Fall asleep
  7. Snore
  8. Have nightmares
  9. Do some exercise


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9.2.- Answer the following questions to gain a detailed understanding of the listening.

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1)Why does Katie think she is a good sleeper?
2)How did Katie´s friend find out he was sleepwalking?
3)What situation makes her sleep badly?
4)What does she have to do before going to bed after working or studying late?
5)Why does she sometimes have a nap at the weekend?
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9.3.- Tapescript

During the week, I usually go to bed around half past eleven. By this time, I’m usually quite tired and so I find it very easy to fall asleep. I must admit that I’m a good sleeper. I rarely have nightmares and I never sleepwalk. I have a friend who sleepwalks and his girlfriend has found him in the shower at three o’clock in the morning and he didn’t even know he was there until she asked him what he was doing and he suddenly woke up!

I have been told that when I have a cold I sometimes snore but I don’t believe this is really snoring this is just a blocked nose! Generally, If I go to bed earlier than half past eleven, I often have a restless night and find myself tossing and turning and waking up every couple of hours.

For one thing, I know that I can’t go directly to bed after working or studying. I have to watch TV to relax or do some exercise.

At the weekend, I tend to go to bed later and therefore get up later. Sometimes on Saturday, if I know I’m going to have a late night then I have a nap after lunch. I usually lie on the sofa and sleep for approximately 20-40 minutes. As I’m so relaxed I sleep like a log and wake up refreshed and ready for a late night!

10.- Spoken response to listening

Answer the following questions out loud givin

  • Do you sleep well? What makes you sleep better some days and worse other days?
  • Do you ever have naps?
  • What do you think about sleeping for a short period during the day? Do you think it makes you feel better or worse?


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