Daily Life


Read the questions and match the questions to the answers.


Now answer the questions about yourself. 

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Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D




Alex O’Loughlin

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1)Alex O’Loughlin is (1) actor. He was born in Australia but currently lives in Hawaii. He is (2) famous for his role in Hawaii Five-O where he plays Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett.
2)Hawaii Five-O was voted “the most (3) new show” and “Favourite New TV Drama” in 2010-2011.
3)When Alex is filming for the show, he works very (4) hours. He typically works 12-15 hours per day which doesn’t give him a lot of time to do (5) things. When he’s on the set and has a break, he tries to (6) some form of exercise because he knows that when he gets home, he won’t have any energy.
4)Alex is careful with (7) he eats. Every morning, he has a healthy breakfast. For dinner, he has chicken with brown rice and steamed vegetables. He has to watch what he eats.
5)When Alex has (8) free time, he spends it with his family. As soon as he opens his front door, he is handed his baby son. He thinks he is a good dad and can’t wait to teach his son (9) to surf.
6)When Alex has a holiday, he goes back to Australia to catch (10) with his family or he surfs at his nearby beach in Hawaii.
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Vocabulary – Types of homes

A. Read the definitions and complete the crossword.


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B. Add two or more words to the following categories.

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1)Location of home: Village, , .
2)Tipy of home: Bungalow, , , .
3)Rooms in home: Bedroom, , , , etc.
4)Furniture in home: Table, , , , etc.
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Grammar – Modal verbs

Los verbos modales son:




Las reglas para el uso de los verbos modales son:

1. La forma del verbo nunca cambia.

  • He can swim really fast.
  • He must study for the exam tonight.


2. No ponemos ‘to’ ante el segundo verbo.

  • She would to go if she had the money.
  • We may to eat at that restaurant on Friday.


3. ‘Ought’ es como otros verbos modales, pero ponemos ‘to’ después del verbo:

  • He ought to come to the party on Friday.

On Friday, Pam and Kate are having a party. They have lots of things to organise.


A. Make sentences using the modal verb in brackets.

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1)We / tell the DJ what sons we want. (should)
2)You / decorate the flat. (must)
3)You / make a cake if you have time. (ought)
4)You / buy some plates and cups? (can)
5)You / invite the nighbours? (will)
6)The neighbours / complain about the music. (might)
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Para hacer sugerencias u ofertas

1. Para hacer una sugerencia, podemos decir:

  • Shall I clean the house?


2. También podemos usar las siguientes frases:

  • Why don’t + subject pronoun + verb…
  • How about + subject pronoun + verb …
  • What about + verb + ing…


  • Why don’t you clean your house this week?
  • How about you clean your house this week?
  • What about cleaning your house this week?


3. Cuando ofrecemos nuestra ayuda con algo, normalmente usamos ‘shall’:

  • Shall I help you cook dinner tonight?



B. Read the situation and make a suggestion or offer (use the phrases above).

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Pidiendo y dando permiso

1. Normalmente usamos ‘can’ o ‘could’ cuando pedimos o damos permiso. ‘Can’ es menos cortés y ‘could’ es más cortés.

  • Could I have a drink please? (mas cortés)
  • Can I have a drink please? (menos cortés)


2. Cuando negamos el permiso, utilizamos ‘can’t’:

  • You can’t have a drink.
  • You can’t go to the party.


A. Choose the correct word. Think carefully about the situation.

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1) I go on holiday with my parents after the exam?
2)Why don’t we to the teacher about our results?
3) you give me your notes from Friday’s class?
4)You go out tomorrow night because you have an exam the next day.
5)What about for the answers on the internet?
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There are seven questions in this part.

For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.

Choose the correct answer A, B or C. .



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1)Where does Fiona live?
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1)Where is the boy?
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1)What time does Mr Hunt go to bed?
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1)Where will the woman park her car?
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1)What do Harry and Laura decide to do?
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1)What does Peter want Chloe to do?
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1)How will the woman get to work on Monday?
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Your family wants to move home.

Write an email to your English friend Sam. In your email, you should

  • Explain why your family wants to move
  • Tell him your ideal home (location, type of home, number of rooms, etc.)
  • Say when you think you will move

Write 35-45 words.




Audio script


Shop assistant: Ok, so I’ll have this delivered to your house next week.

Fiona: That sounds great. Do you know which day?

Shop assistant: Let me have a look. Where did you say you lived?

Fiona: I’m in Bury St Edmunds.

Fiona: It’s quite a large town and so we deliver to that area three times a week. Are you near the cathedral?

Shop assistant: Not really. Do you know the shopping centre?

Fiona: Yes.

Shop assistant: Well, you go past the shopping centre and we’re opposite the theatre.

Fiona: Ok, well in that case, you’ll get your delivery on Wednesday.



Jim: Hi Mum.

Mum: Jim! I thought you would be home half an hour ago. Where are you?

Jim: Well, I missed the train so I walked to the bus station. It took me a long time to get here and there isn’t a bus for one hour. So, can you come and pick me up?

Mum: Sorry Jim. I can’t. I’m just on my way to work. Why don’t you call your father?



Presenter: Thank you Mr Hunt for coming on today’s show. So, I have some questions from your fans. The first one is what time do you get up in the morning?

Mr Hunt: Well, that’s a tricky one as every day is different. When I’m working on a film it’s quite early, it can be between four and five in the morning.

Presenter: So, I guess you get really tired in the evening. Well I have a little sleep around 2pm for about an hour.

Mr Hunt: I bet you need it!

Presenter: Yes, I do. I like to have dinner with my family each night. We eat at 8pm and then I always go to bed at the same time, at quarter to eleven.



Woman: Excuse me, can I park my car here?

Man: No, sorry you can’t. These spaces are for people who live in those flats. But if you continue down this street and take the second left, you’ll get to a park. There’s a car park opposite the park but you have to pay. Maybe it’s best if you park opposite the bank in town. It’s free and it’s only a two minute walk from here.

Woman: Oh, thank you so much.



Harry: What do you want to do tonight? What about going out for dinner?

Laura: I’d rather not. I don’t have much money. Shall we go to see that new horror film?

Harry: Yes, that does sound like a cheaper option. I wanted to try that new restaurant in town, but we can go to the cinema instead.



Chloe, it’s me Peter. Could you help me please? I know you’re studying for the exam you’ve got tomorrow, but I’ve left my mobile phone at home and I urgently need it. Could you possibly go to my house and get it for me? I left it in my bedroom on my bed. If you can’t, please call my sister and ask her.



Woman: There’s a train strike on Monday morning. I can’t believe it. How am I going to get to work?

Man: A train stike? I didn’t know that. Oh no, that’s terrible. I’ve got a really important meeting on Monday. Do you know if there’s a bus we can get?

Woman: Yes, there is on but it takes two hours!

Man: My meeting is at 8 in the morning, so there’s no way I’m taking the bus. I know what I’ll do, I’ll drive. That way I can give you a lift.

Woman: That would be great, thank you!

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