Entertainment and media


What can you see in the pictures below?

Describe all of the pictures in one minute.


Try and answer these questions.

  • How would you describe the person in the picture?
  • What is the person doing?
  • Do you enjoy doing what they are doing?




Read the text and questions below.

For each question, choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.



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  1. What is the purpose of the text?
  2. What can a reader find out about D’Aloisio from the text?
  3. What is the purpose of the new app?
  4. What does D’Aloisio plan to do with his money?
  5. Which of these sentences describes D’Aloisio?
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Read the review of a theatre production and complete the gaps with the words below. There are three words you don’t need.

Audience Entrance
Comedy Interval
Costumes Performance
Drama Play


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One Man, Two Guvnors
Last week I went to see a (1) at the small theatre in town. It was a (2) and as soon as it started, the (3) was laughing. In fact, we laughed from the start until the end.
The play lasted two hours and after an hour, there was a short (4) which lasted 15 minutes.
All of the actors and actresses acted really well and I have to say that the (5) the actors wore were excellent.
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Grammar – Determiners & pronouns

Some and any


Utilizamos ‘some’ y ‘any’ con los nombres plurales.

1. We use some with positive plural nouns.

  • I have some apples in the bag.


2. We use any with negative plural nouns.

  • I don’t have any money in my pocket.


3. We use some with requests.

  • Can I borrow some books from you?


4. We use any with questions.

  • Do you have any pets?

A. Read the conversation and fill in the gaps with some, any, a or an.

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Lilly: I want to go to the cinema tonight to see (1) film, but I’m not sure what’s on.
Amy: What types of films do you like?
Lilly: I like comedies, romantic films and (2) westerns.
Amy: Have you seen (3) terror films? They can be really scary when you watch them on the big screen.
Lilly: Yes, but I don’t really like them.
Amy: I’d like to see (4) animated film. I think there’s a new Disney one out at the moment.
Lilly: Let’s see that then. I’ll book the tickets online.
Amy: Ok, do you want me to bring (5) popcorn and sweets?
Lilly; Yes, why not! It’ll be cheaper than buying them there.
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Much and many


1. We use many with countable nouns.

  • I have been to many plays.

2. We use much with uncountable nouns.

  • He doesn’t have much ice cream left.


B. Fill in the gaps with much or many.

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1)Have you seen films lately?
2)How films do you watch per month?
3)How is a ticket for the cinema in your country?
4)How of your friends go to the cinema regularly?
5)How popcorn can you eat when you go to the cinema?
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Now answer the questions out loud.




You hear a radio interview with an actress called Helen Jones, who is talking about her life and career.

For each question, choose A, B or C.


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  1. Helen decided to become an actress when she was
  2. At acting school in New York, Helen
  3. What does Helen say about the film Peter Pan?
  4. What does Helen say about working in the theatre?
  5. In her free time, Helen likes to
  6. What does Helen like best about her job?
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You are going to the theatre next week with your English friend Dan but you need to make some arrangements.

Write an email to Dan. In your email, you should

  • Suggest a time to meet
  • Explain where you would like to meet
  • Remind Dan to bring the tickets

Write 35-45 words.






Audio script

Presenter: Helen, welcome to our show. You’ve been acting for over ten years now. When did you decide you wanted to become an actress?

Helen: Well, when I was seven, I started dancing lessons and I was really bad. Two years later, my mum enrolled me in acting lessons and I loved it. I realised when I was 9 that I wanted to act forever.

Presenter: You’re originally from Devon but you went to an acting school in New York. Why was that?

Helen: Well, my father was offered a job there and so the family moved over there when I was twelve. I’ve lived here ever since. At the acting school in New York, I was the only student from England. Everyone loved my accent.

Presenter: You acted in your first film when you were sixteen.

Helen: Yes, that’s correct. The film was ‘Peter Pan’. I knew the film really well as I had seen it a lot when I was a child. I think that really helped. I knew the characters and I knew the songs.

Presenter: After that you acted in a theatre?

Helen: Yes, that’s right. I had always loved watching plays when I was younger but to be honest, I didn’t like the experience very much. There wasn’t much atmosphere in the theatre and the director wasn’t very good.

Presenter: So, nowadays, what’s your typical day like?

Helen: I get up at six o’clock every day and go for a run. I love running. It makes me feel free. I then attend acting lessons from 9-12. After that, I have a singing lesson. Most afternoons, I give acting lessons to children from 8-10 years old.

Presenter: You’re busy most days then?

Helen: Yes, I love being busy. But I know things can change all the time. That’s what I like about my job. Every day is different. One day I might be working on a film, another day I will be teaching kids.

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