


Task: Describing people and places; saying where people and things are and what different people are doing.

Below is a picture of some people shopping. Please describe the picture giving as much information as possible. You should speak for 1 minute.





Prompts (if necessary)

  • Where are the people?
  • What can you see?
  • What are the two girls on the left hand side of the picture doing?
  • What is the lady in the white t-shirt doing?



The people below want to buy something specific and need to be directed to the right shop.

Below the description of the people, there are descriptions of eight shops.

Decide which shop would be the most suitable for the following people.

For questions 1-5, choose the correct letter A-F.



1. It’s my mum’s birthday on Saturday and I’d like to buy her some jewellery, perhaps a ring or a necklace.

2. Alex has got a new games console but he doesn’t have any games. He wants to buy a football game. He will use his birthday money to buy them. He doesn’t have a credit card.

3. Louise is desperate for some clothes for her three month old baby. He keeps growing and she’s finding it really expensive buying them from baby clothes shops. She wants to find somewhere cheap.

4. In September, Charlotte starts university. She has bought most things, but she still hasn’t bought any folders to put lecture notes and hand outs in.

5. It’s Valentine’s Day on Thursday and Albert wants to buy his girlfriend some flowers. He doesn’t care how much they are, as long as they’re roses.



A. Blue Apple

Our clothes are all designed by top British fashion designers. We stock one of each item of clothing and specialise in ladies dresses. Coming soon: a new range for young children and babies.

B. Harry’s Department store

We’re in the process of closing down. If you are interested in buying cheap DVDs, ladies clothes or cosmetics. This is the place to come. Final day: 5th May.

C. Andri’s petals

Come on in for the best plants in town. We sell vibrant and exotic plants and trees. Pop inside also to see our new line of jewellery at bargain prices. Please note: we will start selling flowers next month.

D. Denver market

This supermarket is open 24 hours per day, Monday – Friday. We sell most things from food and cosmetics to fresh cut flowers. Current offer: 25% discount off a dozen red roses.

E. Sudima’s charity shop

This is the ideal place to buy clothes and help people in need. This month, we have an extensive variety of clothes for toddlers and new born babies – all with 50% off the original price. Hurry whilst stocks last.

F. Maria’s writing shop

If you’re interested in writing or art, then this is the right shop for you. We sell pens, paints and a wide range of paper. You need somewhere to store your writing or art, and so we also sell a wide variety of folders.

G. Fancy furniture

This new furniture store in town specialises in modern furniture, glassware and jewellery. Everything is bespoke and this is reflected in the prices. We do not have any sales and we do not discount anything.

H. Williams Stationary store

If you want pens, paper, blank DVDs or games for any type of console, look no further. We stock everything. We usually sell folders and school rucksacks but we are currently out of stock.

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Vocabulary – Clothes & shopping

Find 10 items of clothing and 2 items of jewellery in the word search below.


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124 125 126 127



B. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct word.

  • Bargain
  • Cash
  • Discount
  • Order
  • Reasonable
  • Return
  • Sale
  • Saved

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1)Shopping last week
2)Last week, Lilly and I went shopping. We wanted to buy a new TV for our flat. We went to three different shops. In the first shop, there was a (1) on and we saw a really good TV for a (2) price. We told the sales assistant that we wanted to buy it, but she told us that if we wanted it, we would have to (3) it online. We wanted a new TV that day, so we went to a different shop.
3)There weren’t any sales on at the second shop but the shop assistant told us that he would give us a 10% (4) if we bought that day and paid (5) . We didn’t have any money with us, so we decided to go somewhere else.
4)The third shop was the cheapest. We saw the same TV that we wanted in the first shop for a lot less. We bought it and (6) ourselves £50. The TV only cost £150 which is a (7) . In addition to the good price, we can (8) it within 3 months if we don’t like it.
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Grammar – Verb + ing or verb + infinitive

Cuando tenemos dos verbos seguidos. El verbo que va primero decide la forma del segundo:

  • We want to buy some sweets. = verb + verb + infinitive
  • They hate going shopping. = verb + verb + ing

Hay que aprender que verbos van con el infinitivo y que verbos van con ing.


Verbs + to infinitive

Afford Deserve Prepare
Agree Expect Pretend
Aim Fail Promise
Appear Hope Refuse
Arrange Learn Seem
Choose Manage Wait
Decide Offer Wish
Demand Plan  
  • He refused to buy his sister a birthday present.
  • She can’t afford to buy her husband an expensive present.
  • They offered to pay for her meal on her birthday.


A. Translate the verbs from English to Spanish.

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Verbs + -ing

Los siguientes verbos van seguidos del verbo + -ing.

Avoid Finish Miss
Carry on Give up Practise
Consider Imagine Put off
Delay Involve Recommend
Dislike Keep Suggest
Enjoy Keep on  
Feel like Mind  

(If you don’t know the meaning of some of the verbs, please look them up in a dictionary)

  • She doesn’t feel like going shopping today.
  • They finished doing the housework at midnight.
  • He recommended going to the jewellers next to the post office.


B. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

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1)They delayed (take) the exam because they hadn’t revised enough.
2)Tony and Louise pretended (tidy) their rooms but instead they watched TV.
3)While he was away for three weeks, Jim learned (cook).
4)Can you imagine (travel) in a space ship?
5)I’m aiming (get) to the party at nine o’clock.
6)They seemed (ignore) he fact that swimming was prohibited.
7)Laura gave up (smoke) three years ago.
8)Dr Taylor expected (see) Mrs Johnson, but Mr Johnson came instead.
9)Do you miss not (go) to school during the holidays?
10)He suggested (go) by train but we all went by car instead.
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There are five questions in this part.

For each question there are three possible answers and a short recording.

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.


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1)How much is the jacket?
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1)Where is the supermarket?
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1)Which pair of shoes does the woman decide to buy?
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1)What is the man’s job now?
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1)What time does will the shop now close?
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Write your answer to the question below. Write your answer in about 100 words.

This is part of a letter you receive from your English penfriend.

My parents want me to go shopping with them on Saturday but I really dislike shopping. What can I tell them so I don’t have to go? Do you like shopping? Would you go?

Now write a letter, giving your friend some advice and answering your friend’s questions.




1. How much is the jacket?

Boy: My sister would love that jacket you had on the other day. It’s her birthday soon. Where did you get it?

Girl: There’s a market in town which sells second hand clothes. I bought it from there.

Boy: I see. Was it expensive?

Girl: Not really. The original price was £49.99 but I managed to get a £10 discount and so it was £39.99 in the end.

Boy: That’s not too bad.


2. Where is the supermarket?

Girl: I know a new supermarket has opened in town but when I went to go there last night, I couldn’t find it!

Boy: Oh dear. Where did you think it was?

Girl: I thought it was next to the train station, but it clearly isn’t.

Boy: No, it’s definitely not there! Do you know where the hairdresser’s is?

Girl: Yes

Boy: Well, go past the hairdressers and it’s next to the gym.


3. Which pair of shoes does the woman decide to buy?

Boy: So, you went shopping today?

Girl: Yes, I did. I needed some new shoes.

Boy: You’re always buying new shoes. So, what did you buy?

Girl: Well, I saw three that I really liked and so it was a really difficult decision.

Boy: I’m surprised you didn’t buy all three!

Girl: I would if I were rich, but no I just bought one pair of pink shoes.

Boy: Pink shoes?!

Girl: That’s right. I saw some pink casual shoes with laces and I loved them. Then I remembered that I had something similar in blue, so I didn’t buy them.

Boy: That was sensible.

Girl: Yes, in the end, I bought a pair with a medium d heel. I can wear them to parties and to work.


4. What is the man’s job now?

Woman: Hi Pete. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

Man: I’m fine, thank you. So, what’s new with you?

Woman: Not a lot really. What about you?

Man: Well, I’ve just started a new job.

Woman: So, you’re not working on the fish counter anymore?

Man: That’s right. I left that job a few months ago and last week, I started baking bread and making cakes at the local baker’s.

Woman: That sounds like a great job. Do you get to take lots of food home?

Man: Yes, that’s definitely one of the good things about the job.


5. What time does will the shop now close?

Woman The shop closing times are going to be different from today. Now, for the last five years, we have closed our doors at half past five but I feel that this is not a good time, as a lot of people now finish work at half past five and they can’t get to our shop before it closes. Therefore, I propose that we now close our shop doors at ten to six. This way people can have a quick shop before we close.

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