Work and jobs


Read the questions and make notes. Listen to your teacher ask the questions and answer the questions out loud.



Questions for students

  • Do you work or are you a student?
  • What do you study?
  • Do you like studying?
  • Do you study English at school?


Questions for adults

  • Do you work or are you a student?
  • What job do you have?
  • Do you like your job?
  • Do you have English lessons?


Phase 2

  • Do you enjoy studying English? Why / why not?
  • Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?


Key vocabulary





The five people below are looking for new jobs. Below there are descriptions of seven jobs.

Decide which job would be the most suitable for the people.

For questions 1-5, chose the correct letter A-G.



1. Lenny recently moved to London and loves working with kids and pets. He has experience working with both. He is looking for a job where he doesn’t have to work at the weekends.


2. Kassandra doesn’t have any qualifications but she has experience working as a secretary for a bank. She would like a job where she has to travel a lot.


3. Barbara has four years of experience working as a banker. She disliked the experience and would prefer to work in a different area. She wants to work part-time.


4. Pete has a degree in geography. He loves travelling to different places and meeting new people. He would prefer not to work at the weekend.


5. Simon has two years of experience working as a salesman at a computer engineering company. He is good at his job and he gets on well with everyone he meets. He prefers to work from home.



A. Qualifications are not needed for this position and you can do this job from the comfort of your own home. We are looking to hire a new travel agent. You can work full or part time. Training provided.


B. An exciting new job for anyone interested in travelling. This job is for anyone with a degree. No experience necessary. You will travel the world and write about what you see and experience. This job will require you to be away three weekends per year.


C. A new position has opened for a nanny in central London. The person must like working with young children and ideally have some experience. The position will require the candidate to work Monday – Friday 8am – 9pm.


D. The Walton old people’s home is looking for a new carer. This job would suit anyone who enjoys looking after people. The job requires you to work Monday-Thursday from 8am – 4pm.


E. The local vet surgery is looking to hire a new assistant. The candidate needs to love animals and must be willing to work at the weekend (either Saturday or Sunday, sometimes both).


F. The Bank of Twickenham is looking to hire a new Personal Assistant. The job involves domestic and international travel. Previous experience working in a bank essential.


G. ‘Signs 4 u’ would like to take on four new people to join their sales team. The people need to be friendly and outgoing. The team can choose to work from the office or from home. Experience needed. Travel abroad at weekends will be necessary.

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Find 12 jobs in the wordsearch. Explain what each job does.


(Doble click para ver las respuestas; un click vuelve a la posición original)




Grammar – Determiners & pronouns (ii)

This, that, these and those

1. Podemos usar this/these and that/those como adjetivos.

  • This job suits my personality.
  • That job would really suit you.

2. Como pronombres.

  • This is a good job.
  • That was a good job.

3. Cuando no queremos repetir un nombre contable, utilizamos ‘one’:

  • Which job do you prefer? That/this one. The one in the bank.
  • Which jobs do you like? Those/these ones. The ones in London.


A. Read the conversation between Alex and Katie and choose the correct words.

Alex: Ok, so let’s see if we can find you a job.

Katie: I’ve been looking all week but (1) the one/the ones I’ve seen all require experience and I don’t have any.

Alex: What about (2) this/these one?

Katie: It’s ok but (3) that/these job is in a supermarket and I would prefer to work in a shop.

Alex: Ok, perhaps (4) these/that newspapers aren’t the best. Shall we look online?

Katie: Yes, let’s have a look. (5) This/that one I applied for last week was from the website.

Alex: Let’s see what they’ve got on offer today.

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Both, either and neither

Utilizamos both, neither o either cuando hablamos de dos cosas. Podemos usarlos

1. Con un nombre o pronombre

  • Both Jobs are well-paid.
  • Either job is ok. (Singular or plural verb)
  • Neither job is good. (Singular noun and verb)
  • Neither of the jobs look good. (Singular or plural verb)

2. O solos

  • Which job do you prefer? Neither of them / Either of them.
  • Which job would you prefer? Both of them.

B. Read the job description and write in the box the correct words in each question.


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There are five questions in this part.

For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording.

Choose A, B or C.




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1)Where will Josh’s new job be?
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1)What has Sarah forgotten to bring to the interview?
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1)Which programme does the interviewer advise Laura to watch tonight?
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1)How will the interviewer contract Sam?
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1)What will the job involve this winter?
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Here are some sentences about being a teacher.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Use no more than three words.

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1)At first, neither graduate enjoyed being a teacher. At first, neither graduates enjoyed being a teacher.
2)Every teacher at the school was unfriendly. teachers at the school were unfriendly.
3)The headmaster understood the situation better than the other teachers. The other teachers didn’t understand the situation the headmaster.
4)They only had a few friends because most of the other teachers don’t like new teachers. They didn’t have friends because most of the other teachers don’t like new teachers.
5)They now like the job because other teachers have started talking to them. Since other teachers have started talking to them, they now like the job.
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Man: You start your new job on Saturday. So, will you be at the new bank in town?

Josh: No, I didn’t get that job. I’ll be working in the bakery.

Man Is that next to the supermarket?

Josh: Yes, that’s the one.


Sarah: I’m really sorry I’ve remembered to bring my portfolio of work to the interview but I’ve forgotten to bring my note pad.

Interviewer: Don’t worry, you can have this one. Do you need a pen?

Sarah: No, I’ve got one thanks.


Interviewer: To give you an idea of the types of programmes we make here, the best idea would be to watch one.

Laura: Ok, yes, that sounds a good idea.

Interviewer: There’s one on tonight at 9pm. It’s a cookery programme. Then, tomorrow there’s another one at the same time and it’s a nature programme.

Laura: I think I’ll watch the one that’s on tonight. Thanks.


Interviewer: I should be letting candidates know the outcome of the selection process tomorrow.

Sam: Ok, excellent. How will you contact us?

Interviewer: I’ll send you an email.

Sam: Ok, that sounds great. If I don’t receive an email, can I call you?

Interviewer: Yes, you can do.


Interviewer: So, although in summer you’ll mainly be doing construction work. In winter, you’ll be required to do something else.

Candidate: Ok, that’s not a problem.

Interviewer: Yes, so, in winter, you’ll be planting trees in the local area.

Candidate: Will I be working alone?

Interviewer: No, there’ll be five others with you.


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