Paper 2 (Writing Exam) - Part 1 (Compulsory task)

Lesson 9 – Paper 2: Part 1


Paper 2 – Writing Exam (1 hour 20 minutes)


Paper 2 is split into two parts and you have to complete two tasks.  The task in Part 1 is compulsory and in Part 2, you can choose from five different tasks. In this lesson, we are going to focus on the obligatory Part 1 task. 


In Part 1, you are given some input material of up to 160 words.  The input material is typically a letter, email, advertisement or a schedule.  You have to complete a task according to what the input material asks you to do.  Here is an example:



You must answer this question.  Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style on the opposite page.


You are going to stay with your English-speaking friend, Alex, for the weekend.  Read Alex’s email and notes you have made.  Then write an email to Alex, using all your notes. 

Writing part 1


(Question taken from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations First Certificate in English for Schools – Paper 2 Writing 2010 – Available online)


A.     Read the task and answer the questions.

1.      Who are you writing to?

2.      Which type of text are you writing?

3.      How many words do you need to write?

4.      How many different areas do you need to address in your task? (List them)


Check your answers before you continue with the next exercise. 



B. We are now going to focus on the four main areas that you need to address (Question 4 above).   Answer the questions related to each area.   


Area 1: Say you can go to the new activity centre this weekend.

1.      For area 1, we need to think of some phrases which express ability or willingness to do something.  Can you think of any? E.g. I am able to go to….



Area 2: State if you prefer to go on the climbing wall, sailing down the river of mountain biking.

2.      Can you think of any phrases used to express preferences?



Area 3: Make a suggestion as to what you can do with Alex on Saturday night.

3.      Can you think of any phrases used to express a suggestion?



Area 4: Say your parents can’t take you on Friday evening and give a reason

4.      Can you think of any reasons why your parents would not be able to take you on Friday evening?


Check your answers.



Before you try to write your response to Part 1, let’s focus on what the examiners are looking for.  The examiners will be focusing on the following four areas when marking your written responses:

  • Content
  • Communicative Achievement
  • Organisation
  • Language


In these areas, they will give you a mark from 0-5.  0 is the lowest score and 5 is the highest.



We are now going to focus on each area and consider what the examiners are looking for.



·         Is all the content relevant to the task?

·         Is the reader fully informed? For example, do you answer all of the content        areas?


Communicative Achievement

·         Do you hold the target reader’s attention?

·         Are you able to communicate straightforward and complex ideas?



·         Is the text well-organised?

·         Is the text coherent?

·         Do you use linking words?

·         Is your writing organised into paragraphs?



·         Do you use a range or vocabulary which includes some less common      words/phrases?

·         Do you use simple and complex grammatical forms with control?



C.      We are now going to look at two responses to this question. Answer the two questions below.   


  • What feedback would you give the students? 


  • How well do the students do the candidates perform with regards to: Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation, Language?



Candidate 1

Hi Alex,

Yes, we go this weekend to new activity centre just opened near my house. I prefer to do sailing.  Saturday we should to watch a film.  No Friday evening because my mum is working.

See you at the weekend. Bye!

Words = 42 


Give your feedback.







Candidate 2


Thank you for your email.  Yes, I would love to go to the new activity centre near your house.  I have never been to one before so I think it will be exciting.

At the activity centre I would rather use the climbing wall because I’ve never been climbing before and I like a challenge.  However, if you would like to do a different activity, I don’t mind.

On Saturday evening, I think it would be nice to go out for dinner.  I know we’ll be tired but I love that Chinese restaurant in your village.  When we’ve finished the meal, we can go home and have an early night. 

I would love to come over on Friday but it’s not going to be possible because my parents are going to the theatre and they need the car.  I’ll be there on Saturday though, so don’t worry.


Words: 149


Give your feedback.







(Recording 7.1)

D.     Listen to your teacher comment on:

  • how well the candidates have carried out the tasks
  • how they could improve
  • what mark she would award in each area


Make notes on what the teacher says. 

Candidate 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Candidate 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


(Video 7.1)

E. Before you complete the exam task, your teacher has given you the following advice.  Put the advice into the correct order. Then, listen to your teacher.  

A. Make a note of the time on the top of your answer booklet by what time you should have completed the task (you have 40 minutes for Part 1).  


E. When you have finished writing, re-read your work and check for any grammar or spelling errors. 


C. When writing, remember to write in clear paragraphs.  You might try to have one paragraph for each main area.   This will make it clearer for the examiner to read. 


B. Write down the four main points and write some ideas against each point. 


G. Now think of some linking words that you can use to link each section.


D. When you feel you have sufficiently planned your response, write your reply.  Remember to use the convention of the task type e.g. if you have to write a formal letter, start with Dear X and end Yours sincerely / faithfully.


I. Read the rubric carefully.  Make a note of who you are writing to. 


F. Read the main text e.g. the letter or email and ensure you understand the four main areas you have to address.


1 = A

2 =

3 =

4 =

5 =

6 =

7 =

8 =


Listen to your teacher to see if you have the correct answers. 



It's not time to complete the writing task.  Good luck!

When you have completed the task, answer the following questions:

Part 1 – Checklist


·         Is all the content relevant to the task?

·         Is the reader fully informed? For example, do you answer all of the content areas?


Communicative Achievement

·         Do you hold the target reader’s attention?

·         Are you able to communicate straightforward and complex ideas?



·         Is the text well-organised?

·         Is the text coherent?

·         Do you use a variety of linking words?

·         Is your writing organised into paragraphs?



·         Do you use a range or vocabulary which includes some less common words/phrases?

·         Do you use simple and complex grammatical forms with control?


General observations

·         Have you written between 120-150 words?

·         Did the task take you more than 40 minutes?  (If your answer is ‘Yes’, this is something you need to work on in the future). 


If you answer ‘No’ to any of the questions, please go back and edit your response. 




Additional practice 

Below, there is one additional Part 1.  Please complete and consider the advice and the checklist above.  Good luck!


You must answer this question.  Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style. 




You have received an email from your friend, Alex, who works for an English-language newspaper.  Read Alex’s email and the notes you have made (in red).  Then write an email to Alex, using all your notes.



From: Alex Brown

Subject: English-language newspaper


We have just started up an English-language newspaper and we would like you to write an article in the first edition.  Great!

In the first edition we are going to talk about food from around the world.  Can you write about the traditional food from your country?  Yes, suggest…

It would be more interesting to the readers if we include colour photos of traditional dishes, so can you send some photos with your article?  Explain

The first edition is due to be published early next month.  When can you send us your article?  Tell Alex

Thank you so much for your help.




Write your email.  You must use grammatically correct sentences and accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.  





1.      Alex

2.      An email

3.      120-150 words

4.      Four areas.  These areas are:

·         Say yes you can go to the new activity centre this weekend.

·         State if you prefer to go on the climbing wall, sailing down the river of           mountain biking.

·         Make a suggestion as to what you can do with Alex on Saturday night.

·         Say your parents can’t take you on Friday evening and give a reason



Area one:

I would love to go to…

I’m really looking forward to going to…

I can go to…

It would be great to go to…


Area two:

I would prefer to…

I think it would be better to…

It would be better to…

I would rather…


Area three:

I suggest we…

I think it would be a good idea to…

It might be nice to…


Area four:

They are going out already

We have a family party to go to

The car will be in the garage getting repaired

They want me to stay at home and do my homework


C. Own answers


D.(Audio script 7.1)

Candidate 1

How well carried out task:

Although the content is relevant to the task and the candidate addresses all of the content areas, there is very little expansion. 

The candidate does not commit to the word count writing only 42 words which has a negative effect on the communicative achievement.  The candidate is unable to hold the target reader’s attention and is only able to communicate simple straightforward ideas. 

The text Is not well organised, in fact the candidate only has one paragraph.  It is mildly coherent and there is not any evidence of any linking words. 

The language used is basic and there are a number of errors.

How could improve:

The candidate could improve by adhering to the word count, addressing some more complex ideas, writing in clear paragraphs, using a variety of linking words and using some more complex grammatical forms. 

Mark awarded:

Mark awarded: Content 4, Communicative Achievement 1, Organisation 1, Language 1



Candidate 2

How well carried out task:

The candidate carries out the task successfully.  They address all of the content areas and the reader is fully informed.  The target reader’s attention is help as they communicate some complex ideas.  The text is well organised into clear paragraphs.  The candidate uses a variety of linking words which aids the cohesion of the paragraphs and the text as a whole.  The candidate uses some more complex grammatical forms and there aren’t any grammatical mistakes. 

How could improve:

This is a competent task but the candidate could have used some more less common lexis.

Mark awarded:

Content 5, Communicative Achievement 5, Organisation 5, Language 4. 



1.      A

2.      I

3.      F

4.      B

5.      G

6.      D

7.      C

8.      E

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