Curso gratis de Repaso Gramática Nivel 2: The Past
- 1) Exercise: The Past Simple - regular and irregular verbs (interrogatives and shiort responses)
- 2) Exercise: Irregular verbs (interrogative)
- 3) Exercise: The Past Simple: Irregular verbs (affirmative)
- 4) Exercise: The Past Simple: Irregular verbs (affirmative sentences)
- 5) Exercise: The Past Simple: irregular verbs - affirmative
- 6) Exercise: The Past Simple: irregular verbs - affirmative and interrogative
- 7) The Past Simple: Irregular verbs (affirmative)
- 8) The past Simple: IIrregular verbs (affirmative)
- 9) The Past Simple: irregular verbs ( affirmative)
- 10) The Past Simple: irregular verbs (affirmative)
- 11) Recomendaciones Finales