Exercise: Irregular verbs (interrogative)

Complete the following, using verbs from the box:


hide meet write beat wear fight discover begin win fly


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)When Muhammed Ali George Foreman? In 1975.
2)Who JF Kennedy in the 1960 US presidential election? Richard Nixon.
3)What Charles II of England in order to scape from the Roundheads?
4)Who the Romans in the Senate? Togas.
5)When the Second Wordl War ? In 1939.
6)What prize the Curies in 1903? The Nobel Prize.
7)When Shakespiare Hamlet? In 1603.
8)What Marie Curie in 1898? Radium.
9)When the Wright Brothers the first aeroplane? In 1903.
10)Who Churchill and Roosevelt at Yalta in 1945? Stalin.
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