Exercise: The Past Simple: Irregular verbs (affirmative)

Complete the following, with verbs from the box:


win run hold swin begin throw drive break choose ride


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)The modern Olympic Games in 1896.
2)In the 1972 Olympics, the american swimmer Mark Spitz 100 metres in 51 seconds.
3)Princess Anne a horse in the Montreal Olympic Games.
4)In 1976, a Hungrian athlete a javelin 94.58 metres.
5)In 1980, the International Olympic Committee a meeting to decide on the site of the 1988 Olympic Games. The Committee Seoul, Korea.
6)At the Montreal Olympics, Alberto Juantorena 400 metres in 44 seconds.
7)He both the 400 metres and the 800 metres finals.
8)In 1970, Gary Gabbelich a jet car ar 1,046 km/h in Utah.
9)Robert Beamon the old world record for the long jumpo in 1968. He jumped 8.90 metres.
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