The Past Simple: irregular verbs ( affirmative)

Complete the following exercises with the verbs from the boxes:


write leave fight drink wear speak send teach cost bite


Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones
1)George Washintong Benjamin Franklin to Paris as the first American ambassador to France.
2)Cleopatra died when a snake her.
3)Beethoven nine symphonies.
4)The ship 'Mayflower' England for America in 1620.
5)The English ens French a battle at waterloo in 1815.
6)Socrates, the Greek philosopher, hemlock, a poisonous drink and diet.
7)Sir John Bowring (1792 - 1872) 100 languajes fluently!
8)In the middle ages, soldiers armour.
9)The first postage stamps one penny each.
10)Euclid geometry to many students in ancient Greece.
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