More practice with the "に" (ni) particle
Content: More practice with the “に” (ni) particle,
New Vocabulary:
Japanese | Romaji | English |
へや | heya | room |
こうえn (こうえん) | koen | park |
Kyouしつ (きょうしつ) | kyoshitsu | classroom |
みせ | mise | store |
やま | yama | mountain |
うみ | umi | Sea/ocean |
さかな | sakana | fish |
はな | hana | flower |
れいぞうこ | reizoko | refrigerator |
りnご (りんご) | ringo | apple |
たくさn (たくさん) | takusan | a lot, many |
すこし | sukoshi | a little, few |
Lesson Point:
1. In Japanese, there are no rules as to where commas “ 、” have to be used in a sentence. You can pretty much place a comma anywhere it would make it easier for the reader to read your sentence.
Sample Sentences:
ともこのへやに、はながあります。(There is a / (There are) flower(s) Tomoko’s room.)
Tomoko no heya ni hana ga arimasu
こうえnに、はながあります。(There are flowers in the park.)
Kouen ni hana ga arimasu
こうえnに、はながたくさんあります。(There are lots of flowers in the park.)
Kouen ni hana ga takusan arimasu.
かのjoのみせに、はながたくさnあります。(There are lots of flowers in her store.)
Kanojo no mise ni hana ga takusan arimasu.
かれのきょうしつに、ほnがあります。(There are books – or could be one – in his class room.)
Kareno kyoushitsu ni hon ga arimasu.
うみのなかに、さかながいます。(There are fish in the ocean.)
Umi no naka ni sakana ga imasu
うみに、こどもがたくさnいます。(There are lots of children at the sea.)
Umi ni kodomo ga takusan imasu
こうえnに、くるまがたくさnあります。(There are many cars in the park.)
Koen ni kuruma ga takusan arimasu.
こうえnに、いぬがたくさnいます。(There are many dogs in the park.)
Koen ni inu ga takusan imasu.
れいぞうこに、りnごがすこしあります。(There are a few apples in the refrigerator.)
Reizoko ni ringo ga sukoshi arimasu
れいぞうこに、さかながすこしあります。(There is a few fish in the refrigerator.)
Reizoko ni sakana ga sukoshi arimasu.
S-9-1 |
II. Mini Quiz – Write the sentences below in Hiragana.
1. Tomoko no heya ni hana ga arimasu
2. Kouen ni hana ga arimasu
3. Reizoko ni ringo ga sukoshi arimasu
4. Reizoko ni sakana ga sukoshi arimasu.
III. Writing Practice: Hiragana (Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro)
Practice writing the following words in Hiragana
1. Right – Migi - ____________________________
2. Left - Hidari - ________________________
3. Cloudy – Kumori - ________________________
4. Sunny – Hare - __________________________
5. Rain / Candy - Ame - ___________________________
6. Rabbit –Usagi - __________________________
7. Squirrel – Risu - __________________________________
8. Ice – Kori - __________________________________