Particle "no" for possession
Content: Practice using the particle “no” for possession, Ta line of Hiragana (Ta, Chi,
Tsu, Te, To), changing T sounds to D sounds ( Da, Ji, Dzu, De, Do)
Aim: How do I say “This is mine!”?
New Vocabulary:
Japanese | Romaji | English |
waたしno (わたしの) | watashi no | my |
waたしたちno (わたしたちの) | watashi tachi no | ours |
あnaたno (あなたの) | anata no | your |
あnaたたちno (あなたたちの) | anata tachi no | your (plural) |
かre no (かれの) | kare no | his |
かrera no (かれらの) | karera no | their (male) |
かnojo no (かのじょの) | kanojo no | her |
かnojoたちno (かのじょたちの) | kanojo tachi no | their (female) |
I. Lesson Point:
As we’ve mentioned earlier, we can show possession by putting the “no - の” particle after the subject.
Sample Sentences:
こre wa waたし noい nuです。(This is my dog)
Kore wa watashi no inu desu
あre wa waたし noいえです。(That is my house)
Are wa watashi no ie desu
こre wa waたし noくrumaです。(This is my car)
Kore wa watashi no kuruma desu
あre wa waたしたち no heyaです。(That is our room)
Are wa watashi tachi no heya desu
あna waあnaたたち noせnせいです。(Ana is your-plural- teacher)
Ana wa anata tachi no sensei desu
そre waかnojo no neこです。(That is her cat)
Sore wa kanojo no neko desu
あre waかreのつくえです。(That is his desk)
Are wa kare no tsukue desu
そre wa waたし no honです。(That is my book)
Sore wa watashi no hon desu
こre waいnu noいえです。(This is a dog house)
Kore wa inu no ie desu
かnojoたちwaあnaのせいとです。(They – female – are Ana’s students)
Kanojo tachi wa Ana no seito desu
あre wa かreraのくrumaです。(That is their – male- car)
Are wa karera no kuruma desu
S-5-1 |
II. Mini-Quiz: (Test your knowledge):
Part A: Translate into Japanese and use Hiragana where ever possible
1. My Dog: __________________________
2. Your House: __________________________
3. Their Car (female): __________________________
4. Ana’s Room: __________________________
Part B: Fill in the blanks and use Hiragana where ever possible.
1. _________ wa _________ no_________です。 This is my dog
2. wa waたし no_______です。That (over there) is my house.
3. こre wa waたし no________です。 This is my car
4. あna wa__________ no____________ ____________。Ana is your (plural) teacher.
Quiz Answers:
Part A: わたしのいぬ、あなたのいえ、かのじょたちのくるま、あなのへや
Part B: 1. これ、わたし、いぬ, 2. あれ、いえ, 3.くるま, 4.あなたたちの、せんせい、です
Writing Practice: Hiragana (Ta, Chi, Tsu, Te, To)
Coverting T sounds to D sounds (Da, Ji, Dzu, De, Do):
D sounds are made the same way we made G and Z sounds from the “Ka” and “Sa” lines. Except for the D sounds we use the “Ta” line and add the tenten mark to each one. See the examples below.
Practice writing the following words in Hiragana
1. Student - Seito - _______________________
2. Tall / Expensive – Takai - _________________
3. Small – Chiisai - ________________________
4. A little – Sukoshi - _______________________
5. Shoes – Kutsu __________________________
Socks - Kutsushita____________________