Prepositions (More Expressions for Locations)

Content:   Prepositions (More Expressions for Locations), There is or There are for

inanimate objects, the Ha line of Hiragana (Ha, Hi, Fu, He, Ho), changing H sounds to B sounds ( Ba, Bi, Bu, Be, Bo) and P sounds (Pa, Pi, Pu, Pe, Po).


Aim:  How do we say there is or there are in Japanese?:  How do we say there is or there are in Japanese?


New Vocabulary:





Ma                     (まえ)



うしro                (うしろ)


back, behind

Mi                       (みぎ)



ひだri                     (ひだり)






Yo                      (よこ)


next to




となri                    (となり)


Neighboring, next door

rima           (あります)


There is..





Lesson Point:


1.   We’ve already covered the following prepositions in the previous lesson: うえ(up / on top)、した(down / under)、なか(inside)、そと(outside) in the previous lesson. Here we will cover more of these expressions.


2.    Arimasu:  Unlike the word “desu”,  Arimasu is a verb and it means “There is” or “There are”.  However, Arimasu is only used for inanimate objects and non-living things.  Arimasu is usually preceded by the particle “ga” in a sentence.  Take a look at these examples:  “Kuruma  ga arimasu” (There is a car).  “Neko ga arimasu” = “There is a cat”.


3.    “Ni” Particle: The particle “ni” has several uses; but, for this lesson, we will focus on how it is used with prepositions.  “Ni” often follows a preposition to indicate location.  So you might want to think of it like the English word “at”.  For example:  うえにへyaがあrima(Ue ni heya ga arimasu) literally means “At the up(stairs), there is a room.”  Note that in this case, the placement of “ni” follows the preposition but comes before subject.  Another way “ni” is used in the same sentence is:  へやはうえにあrimaHeya wa ue ni arimasu (The room is upstairs).  In this case “ni” replaces the “ga” particle that we discussed previously.


4.    Particle Wa= is written as” in Hiragana: If you write a sentence in Japanese that includes the particle “wa”.  It is written using the hiragana for “Ha” or  and not the Hiragana for the sound “Wa” or “わ.  Don’t ask – that’s just the way it is. 




Sample Sentences:


いすのうえにほnがあrimaす。(There is a book on the chair.)

Isu no ue ni hon ga arimasu


いすのmaえにほnがあrimaす。(There is a book in front of the chair.)

Isu no mae ni hon ga arimasu


Waたしのmiぎにくrumaがあrimaす。(There is a car on my right side.)

Watashi no migi ni kuruma ga arimasu


Waたしのひだりにくrumaがあrimaす。(There is a car on my left side.)

Watashi no hidari ni kuruma ga arimasu


あなたのそばにいすがあrimaす。(There is a chair near you.)

Anata no soba ni isu ga arimasu.


あなたのyoこにちずがあrimaす。(There is a map next to you.)

Anata no yoko ni chizu ga arimasu.


あなたとwaたしのあいだにいすがあrimaす。(There is a chair between you and I.)

Anata to watashi no aida ni isu ga arimasu.


いすのあいだにほnがあrimaす。(There is a book between the chairs.)

Isu no aida ni hon ga arimasu.


Basuのとなりにくrumaがあrimaす。(There is a bus next to a car.)

Basu no tonari ni kuruma ga arimasu.





 II. Mini-Quiz: (Test your knowledge):


Fill in the missing particles in each sentence in the blanks and then write the English meaning in the space provided.


1.            Isu ____  mae _____ hon ______ arimasu.



2.           Watashi ____ migi _____ kuruma ______ arimasu.



3.            Ana _____ kuruma ______Watashi ____ hidari  ______ arimasu. 



4.           Shita _____ isu ______ arimasu. 



5.           Anata _____ yoko _____ chizu _____ arimasu. 



Quiz Answers:


1.    no, ni, ga

2.    no, ni, ga

3.    no, ga, no, ni

4.    ni, ga

5.    no, ni, ga


 III. Writing Practice: Hiragana (Ha, Hi, Fu, He, Ho)




  Coverting H sounds to B sounds (Ba, Hi, Fu, He, Ho):


B sounds are made the same way we made G, Z, and D sounds are made from the “Ka”, “Sa”, and “Ta” lines.  Except for the B sounds we use the “Ha” line and add the tenten mark to each one.  See the examples below.


Coverting H sounds to P sounds (Pa, Pi, Pu, Pe, Po):


P sounds are made the same way we make B sounds from the “Ha” line.  Except in the case of P sounds a small circle like the degree symbol ˚ is placed next to the hiragana to make the P sound for each one.  See the examples below.




Practice writing the following words in Hiragana


1.    Trade – Boeki - _________________________

2.     To Fly - Tobu - ________________________

3.    Explosion – Bakuhatsu -  ________________________

4.    Boat – Fune - __________________________

5.    Short (Opposite of tall)  - Hikui - ___________________________

6.    Green Pepper – Pima - __________________________

7.    Jewelry – Hoseki - __________________________________

8.    Snake – Hebi - ____________________________________

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