Variables que tienden al infinito II

En este epígrafe vamos a poner más ejemplos de límites de funciones cuyas variables tienden al infinito. Antes de ello vamos a exponer un método de resolución de límites muy eficaz y sencillo, y se postulan como teoremas de limites infinitos en el caso de una división cualquiera de dos polinomios cualquiera.

Teorema de Limites Infinitos.

Sean f(x) y g(x) dos polinomios cualquiera de grado n y m respectivamente, sus variables tienden al infinito si:

  1. El grado n de f(x) es mayor que el de g(x), entonces el resultado del límite será infinito.
  2. El grado de f(x) es menor que el de g(x), entonces el resultado del límite será cero.
  3. El grado de f(x) es igual al de g(x), entonces el resultado del límite será la división de los coeficientes de los grados n y m, en ese orden.



f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals fraction numerator x squared plus 3 over denominator x plus 2 end fraction
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator x squared plus 3 over denominator x plus 2 end fraction equals stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator infinity squared plus 3 over denominator infinity plus 2 end fraction equals infinity
g left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals fraction numerator x cubed plus 4 x over denominator x end fraction
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator x cubed plus 4 x over denominator x end fraction equals stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space x squared plus 4 equals stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space infinity squared plus 4 equals infinity
h left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals fraction numerator x squared plus 3 over denominator x cubed end fraction
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator x squared plus 3 over denominator x cubed end fraction equals stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space 1 over x plus 3 over x cubed equals 0 plus 0 equals 0
j left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals fraction numerator x to the power of 4 plus 3 x plus 3 over denominator x to the power of 7 plus x end fraction
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator x to the power of 4 plus 3 x plus 3 over denominator x to the power of 7 plus x end fraction equals stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator begin display style x to the power of 4 over x to the power of 7 end style plus begin display style fraction numerator 3 x over denominator x to the power of 7 end fraction end style plus begin display style 3 over x to the power of 7 end style over denominator begin display style x to the power of 7 over x to the power of 7 end style plus begin display style x over x to the power of 7 end style end fraction equals stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below space fraction numerator begin display style 1 over x cubed plus 3 over x to the power of 6 plus 3 over x to the power of 7 end style over denominator begin display style 1 plus 1 over x to the power of 6 end style end fraction equals fraction numerator 0 plus 0 plus 0 over denominator 1 plus 0 end fraction equals 0 over 0

stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below fraction numerator a x cubed plus 5 over denominator b x cubed plus 8 end fraction equals a over b
stack l i m with x rightwards arrow infinity below fraction numerator a subscript n x to the power of n plus 5 over denominator b subscript n x to the power of n plus 8 end fraction equals a subscript n over b subscript n

Levis Wilson Estevez

Licenciado en Fisica Nuclear.

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